The connecting pedestrian tunnel of Nanchang station catches fire twice in one month

The connecting pedestrian tunnel of Nanchang station catches fire twice in one month

The connecting pedestrian tunnel of Nanchang station catches fire twice in one month There are currently more than a thousand pedestrian walkways and underpasses in Hong Kong, but some of them overlap other pedestrian crossing structures on the ground, resulting in a very low utilization rate, and have evolved into the residences of many road … Read more

Rahayu Saraswati highlights the ban on Christmas worship in Bogor

Rahayu Saraswati highlights the ban on Christmas worship in Bogor

Jakarta – Member of Commission VIII DPR RI Gerindra faction, Rahayu Saraswati regretted the act of banning worship Christmas against the residents of Cilebut, Bogor, in their own homes. He mentioned freedom of religion and Pancasila. “It is a pity that in a country that adheres to Pancasila and has freedom of religion like Indonesia, … Read more

Freiburg: Ice hockey: Leitwolf Shawn O’Donnell (34) stays with EHC Freiburg until 2025 – import player extends his contract early

With the contract extension of Shawn O’Donnell (34), EHC Freiburg can present the first long-term course for the next two seasons. The Canadian native came to Breisgau with a lot of experience from North America before the season from the Dornbirner EC from the international ICHL and was able to convince quickly here. In 23 … Read more

Relatives and friends sent Albena

Relatives and friends sent Albena

Where are you in a hurry girl….there was so much to do here…And she loved life so much, wrote her friends on Facebook Albena Angelova, a longtime journalist and correspondent of “24 Chasa” in Varna, has passed away. She passed away on Christmas Eve after a long and serious illness. Albena Angelova was born on … Read more

Coronavirus-USA considering restrictions for Chinese travelers – 28/12/2022 at 02:23

Coronavirus-USA considering restrictions for Chinese travelers – 28/12/2022 at 02:23

Dec 28 (Reuters) – The US government may impose new COVID-19 restrictions on travelers from China amid concerns over a “lack of transparent data” provided by Beijing on the outbreak’s resurgence, officials said Wednesday Americans. Japan, India and Malaysia this week announced tightened health measures regarding travelers from China, citing the outbreak of contamination in … Read more

Hérault: the actions of the Department for Gender Equality

Hérault: the actions of the Department for Gender Equality

The Department has just created an experimental tool with the State, the CAF and the University, theObservatory on violence against women, sexist and intrafamilial, which aims to bring together victims of violence, researchers and professionals in the sector to propose new solutions. The Department also participates in the funding of postssocial workers in police and … Read more

Mads Hansen, Viking | I had to summon Viking into his driveway :-It’s just to apologize to the other weathermen

Mads Hansen, Viking |  I had to summon Viking into his driveway :-It’s just to apologize to the other weathermen

On Monday evening, former soccer player and VGTV profile Mads Hansen (38) shared a photo of his car’s tire that had been punctured. – Fortunately, today I am the only one who needs roadside assistance, Hansen wrote ironically to the photo. On Monday, among others, Nettavisen wrote closed roads and driving in queuesand many others … Read more

Bastia: “Spampilla”, a “sparkling” creative palette by Béatrice de Casalta

Bastia: “Spampilla”, a “sparkling” creative palette by Béatrice de Casalta

In his shop, at 27 de la rue César-Campinchi a Bastiathere are lamps, jewelry storeof the perfumesof the watercolors… A range of creations that bear witness to the richness and diversity of the artist’s palette from Beatrice Hélène de Casalta. He’s in his studio, in the Cape Corsicawho designs and designs his models that he … Read more