As it raises the levels of good cholesterol, or HDL, it can cleanse the bad cholesterol in the body

As it raises the levels of good cholesterol, or HDL, it can cleanse the bad cholesterol in the body

TRIBUNCIREBON.COM – What do you imagine when you hear the word cholesterol? Perhaps what immediately appears in your brain is a chronic disease. When cholesterol levels in the body are high, it can actually trigger various chronic diseases. However, it turns out that cholesterol doesn’t always have a negative impact on the body. Because, there … Read more

More children with strep infection, possible effect of the pandemic

More children with strep infection, possible effect of the pandemic

NOS/Jeroen van Eijndhoven ANNOUNCEMENTS•today, 20:33 Danny van Zeggelaar online editor Danny van Zeggelaar online editor In the past year, more children than usual have had a serious infection with the so-called group A streptococcus bacteria, reports the Juliana Children’s Hospital in The Hague, which has reviewed the data with six other hospitals. Yesterday it emerged … Read more

6 common and unexpected causes of muscle weakness

6 common and unexpected causes of muscle weakness

Riyadh: Dr. Birra Mubarak Sure you get upset when opening a jar of pickles or jam becomes difficult for you, but that’s to be expected if you’re not interested in strengthening your muscle skills. But are there other causes of muscle weakness that have nothing to do with how much exercise you do to strengthen … Read more

Facts and myths about bathing at night, here’s the medical explanation

Facts and myths about bathing at night, here’s the medical explanation

JAKARTA, – Sleeping at night facts and myths, this is the medical explanation. Bathing at night can cause problems according to some people Health like it rheumatism and other diseases. However, in reality, if done correctly, night bathing can be beneficial for the body. Facts and myths about night baths will be discussed in … Read more

A delicious dipping sauce with an unusual taste… of the Mediterranean diet

A delicious dipping sauce with an unusual taste… of the Mediterranean diet

Once Instagram star Susie Karadshe released her Mediterranean diet cookbook this year, it became a bestseller, according to the New York Times. No wonder, because their dishes are fresh, healthy and delicious. Karadsheh shows CNN how she prepares her own dipping sauce for meetings. Find the full recipe at

Cancer patients face higher risk during the Covid-19 pandemic

Cancer patients face higher risk during the Covid-19 pandemic

Webinar with the theme #ProtectYangRandariCovid: “Can cancer patients be optimally protected against Covid-19?”, Thursday (15/12/2022). – JAKARTA – Cancer patients are found to be at a higher risk if they become infected with Covid-19 in the midst of a pandemic. Cancer patients can experience severity, hospitalization and even death from Covid-19. “So exposure to … Read more