A rare Ice Age comet will appear in February 2023

A rare Ice Age comet will appear in February 2023

Jakarta – NASA has announced that a comet that last appeared in the night sky during the Ice Age will reappear in February 2023. Called comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF), it orbits the Sun every 50,000 years. Quoted from Interesting engineeringcomet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) is expected to pass within 26 million miles of Earth on February … Read more

happened in 8 hours | 4 symptoms of infection with the new mutant Corona and the fall of M

happened in 8 hours |  4 symptoms of infection with the new mutant Corona and the fall of M

6:43 pm Monday 02 January 2023 Today, Monday, Egypt witnessed political, social and economic events, the most important of which are sources revealing how the green coffin was smuggled out of Egypt, the fall of an elevator inside the hospital Al-Haram and the National Bank raises the interest rate of 2% on time deposits and … Read more

Lower cholesterol, if you take this you can do it right away

Lower cholesterol, if you take this you can do it right away

How to lower cholesterol? With an unexpected and extremely powerful ally. The confirmation comes from medical and scientific fields. Lower cholesterola necessity that those affected by this pathology must necessarily apply as soon as possible in order not to run into much more serious consequences for their health. The word Cholesterol in English (Photo Wikipedia … Read more

Covid: vaccines, tests, available beds… This is the situation in Spain in the face of a possible new wave

Covid: vaccines, tests, available beds… This is the situation in Spain in the face of a possible new wave

China is once again the epicenter of the pandemic. The abandonment of the ‘Covid zero’ policy that the Asian giant has fiercely supported in these three years is giving the virus new wings in the country. While transparency about what the real situation is leaves much to be desired, the Chinese authorities cannot hide that … Read more

Scientists refute the myth that the diet should contain a large amount of vegetables

Scientists refute the myth that the diet should contain a large amount of vegetables

LONDON – Follow-up: Scientists at the Institute for Health Metrics and Futures Evaluation at the University of Washington conducted a study to assess the evidence of health risks associated with smoking, red meat intake and amount of vegetables in the diet. And the journal Nature Medicine notes that the rating of the relationship between the … Read more

Viral Eating White Rice Is Called Trigger Diabetes, Doctor Explains Facts

Viral Eating White Rice Is Called Trigger Diabetes, Doctor Explains Facts

Jakarta – Recently viral on social media, a post claimed that the sugar content in a bowl of fluffier white rice is the same as 2-3 tablespoons (tablespoons) of granulated sugar. He said white rice causes a bloated stomach and a number of diseases including diabetes. “The solution? Stop eating white rice. This will solve … Read more

A flu is currently spreading among us… its symptoms are severe, how do we treat it?

A flu is currently spreading among us… its symptoms are severe, how do we treat it?

Influenza spreads widely in Lebanon, including H3N2. And the doctor who specializes in bacterial diseases, Dr. Jack Choucair said the symptoms are severe, such as a cough that lasts for a while, and body aches, because there is no immunity to this flu yet, especially since most Lebanese have started this season without taking the … Read more

first blood donation of the year

first blood donation of the year

On this occasion, Yohan Nicolas, the president of the Breuilleton club, some managers and players were able to discuss with Dr. Jardel and his team from the French Blood Establishment. We remind you that blood donation is “a civic, solidarity and free act that allows you to meet daily needs on a voluntary basis”. 10,000 … Read more

Member of the Scientific Committee prof. Dr. Tevfik Özlü warned: beware of prolonged cough!

Member of the Scientific Committee prof.  Dr. Tevfik Özlü warned: beware of prolonged cough!

Respiratory tract infections and viruses seen with the onset of winter months have overflowed hospital emergency rooms. Thoracic Disease Specialist and Scientific Committee Member Prof. Dr. Tevfik Özlü drew attention to respiratory tract infections that occur with cooling weather. prof. Dr. Özlü warned against prolonged coughing from his social media account. Özlü said, “Under this … Read more