How is the decomposition process of the human body? Page all

How is the decomposition process of the human body?  Page all – When someone dies, body it usually rots. decay occurs because the cells begin to break down and accompanied by bacteria that attack the body. But how long does it take for the body to decompose completely? Processes decomposition it begins within minutes of death, although there are variables such as ambient temperature, soil … Read more

Dr. Teera advises Thais to live responsibly. after Thailand opened to Chinese tourists

Dr. Teera advises Thais to live responsibly.  after Thailand opened to Chinese tourists

Dr. Teera advises Thais to live responsibly. after Thailand opened to Chinese tourists On January 4, Dr. Thira Woratanarat, R&D Office for Putting Health Research into Practice Department of Preventive and Social Medicine Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University Open a message via Facebook about the COVID situation, stating that yesterday in the world there there … Read more

A consultant reveals the importance of putting a “pillow” for the head and another for the legs when sleeping • Al Marsad Journal

A consultant reveals the importance of putting a “pillow” for the head and another for the legs when sleeping • Al Marsad Journal

Al-Marsad newspaper: Spine consultant Fawaz Al-Mutairi said there should be a “pillow” for the head and another “pillow” for the legs when sleeping. Al-Mutairi said during an interview with him on the “Ya Hala” program: “If there is no head pillow and foot pillow, then your sleep is wrong.” She emphasized, “If you’re on your … Read more

Throughout 2022, 210 cases of DHF were recorded in Pariaman City, 3 of whom died

Throughout 2022, 210 cases of DHF were recorded in Pariaman City, 3 of whom died

TRIBUNPADANG.COM, PARIAMAN – Municipal Health Office Pariamano recorded up to 210 cases of dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) that they managed during 2022. The number of cases was communicated by the head of the disease prevention and control division of the city health bureau (Kabid P2P) of the city health bureau Pariamano Rio Arisandi when contacted, … Read more

A “small revolution”… Offering free condoms and contraceptives to young men and women in France

A “small revolution”… Offering free condoms and contraceptives to young men and women in France

(CNN) — Condoms are now available in French pharmacies free of charge for young people under the age of 26, as part of what French President Emmanuel Macron has called a “mini-revolution in preventive healthcare.” The new health strategy, which aims to reduce the spread of STDs among young people in France, went into effect … Read more

The covid-19 subvariant XBB.1.5 is responsible for infections in the United States.

The covid-19 subvariant XBB.1.5 is responsible for infections in the United States.

Washington. The new omicron subvariant, XBB.1.5, is spreading in the United States and already accounts for approximately 40% of all cases of COVID-19 in the country. According to the latest data from the government’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this subvariant leads the country’s number of covid-19 cases. It has also gained ground especially … Read more