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Catch speculation by public officials such as real estate and stocks… Kwon Ik-Com, report submission by June

Rights Committee “The hourly wage for the enactment and enforcement of the conflict of interest prevention law”


[세종=아시아경제 문채석 기자] After the land speculation of Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH), the government declared that it would catch up on speculation by public officials such as real estate and stocks.

According to the National Rights and Interest Committee on the 6th, intensive reports of speculation related to the job of public officials are received from the 4th to the end of June. The status, such as the number of submissions, will be announced at the end of June.

Real estate speculation using public officials’ internal information, providing or divulging internal information to others, and other activities that seek profits using job-related information are all subject to reporting.

In other words, the subject of reporting is not limited to real estate, and includes all speculative acts unfairly performed using one’s position, such as stocks.

LH executives and employees decided to receive a report in a situation where the suspicion of dumping 10 billion won in land in Gwangmyeong and Siheung new cities spread with the information they learned during work.

It is interpreted that President Moon Jae-in ordered the LH, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, employees and families of related agencies to conduct a thorough investigation of illegal land transactions, and then took measures to implement them.

The KFTC is in the position that public officials should not allow a situation in which they will have a conflict of interest between the public and private interests while performing their duties.

The KFTC claims that the’second LH crisis’ can be prevented only when the’Act on the Prevention of Conflict of Interest of Public Officials’, which is pending in the National Assembly, is enacted and implemented as soon as possible.

Reports can be filed by mail or by visiting the Complaint Consultation Center of the Rights Commission within the Government Complex Sejong or the Joint Government Civil Service Center in Jongno, Seoul. You can also report through the integrity portal, and you can also receive report-related counseling on 1398 or 110 without an area code.

If the contents of the report are considered to be corruption or infringement of the public interest, and if it is recognized that there is a need for investigation and audit, it plans to file a complaint or transfer it to an investigation or investigation agency.

Anyone can report, and the confidentiality of the reporter is strictly guaranteed. If the reporter disagrees with the disclosure, the reporter’s personal information will not be shared even when the investigative agency is transferred.

The KFTC will take measures to restore its original state in case of disadvantage due to reporting, and to protect personal information in the event of threats to life or body. If the reporter is found to be violating, punishment and disciplinary exemption are also possible, and if a person applies for responsibility reduction, the disciplinary authority is required to reduce or exempt it.

Sejong = Reporter Moon Chae-seok [email protected]

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