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After intense persecution and confrontation, agents of the Municipal Police of Pénjamo with the support of personnel from the 25th Army Infantry Battalion, captured 7 people, one of them a minor; to which they assured an arsenal.

This happened at 11:30 p.m. on Friday, but the actions lasted until the first minutes of yesterday Saturday, when municipal policemen, conducting a surveillance tour of the Tolento neighborhood, heard a series of firearm detonations, so who headed towards the area where the gunshots were heard.

On the way, they came across a white X Trail van in which several men and a woman were traveling, who fired at the patrol cars and fled, thus beginning an intense chase along the entire Santos Degollado boulevard, which moments later Army personnel joined their combat units.
The persecution and the gunshots did not stop, while the criminals continued to flee, until they reached the borders of the El Zapote de Cestaú community, where another fierce confrontation took place, until the gunmen surrendered.

There, 6 men who said they resided in Pénjamo and others in Degollado and Ocotlán Jalisco were arrested, while the only woman who was with them said she was a minor, although she was also arrested.

In addition to bulletproof vests, they were assured of 4 machine gun-type assault rifles, 2 squad-type pistols, more than 200 cartridges of various calibers, chargers, cellular equipment and bladed weapons, among other supplies.

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