Home » today » Health » Catanzaro, Alli powder keg: salaries at risk. Workers in a state of agitation

Catanzaro, Alli powder keg: salaries at risk. Workers in a state of agitation

Wages at risk and problems regarding safety and hygiene in the workplace. More than enough reasons to push the trade union organizations representing the workers of the Alli Scarl company, which manages the waste treatment plant in the capital, to proclaim a state of unrest. A decision arrived at the end of a meeting with the same employees and of which the acronyms brought to the attention of Arrical, the company itself and the Prefecture to which the secretary Giovanna Folino Gallo (CGIL Area Vasta) and the territorial secretaries Domenico Posca (FitCisl) and Vincenzo Cioffi (Uil) ask to convene “with the utmost urgency a meeting to cool down the conflict”.
That the atmosphere was tense and the situation was worrying had already emerged in recent weeks and this had been taken into account in these columns when dealing with the critical issues relating to the plastic delivery plants. Now the issue comes out officially after the union meeting with the employees of the Alli plant, during which the point was also taken of a meeting held with the company on 15 October.

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