Superficiality is known to be widespread among people. But some people don’t just judge other people, they also judge animals.
The cat Willow almost has to pay with her life for not conforming to the ideal of beauty. Luckily she has people who are on her side.
“She’s not pretty enough to be adopted”
One day, 50-year-old Lori finds a kitten on her doorstep. Since she loves animals and is helpful, she takes the street cat in with her, gives it water and bathes it.
Concerned about the kitten, who seems to be very young, she takes him to the vet. He should actually only examine it before Lori wants to bring it to the animal shelter.

Upon examination, he finds that the little cat has an infectious disease. However, it is nothing fatal.
Nevertheless, he wants to put the sweet kitten to sleep. He tells Lori the reason for this with clear harshness: “She’s not pretty enough to be adopted.”

The kitten’s face resembles that of people with Down syndrome, although cats cannot have Down syndrome.
She has an unusually broad, crooked face. Also, her eyes are small and her nose is tiny and flat.
Lori is stunned that the vet is so prejudiced. How can you want to euthanize a cute kitty just because it looks different than most cats?

Outraged by the vet’s meanness, Lori takes the kitten back home and keeps her.
Lori names the kitten Willow and gives her all the love and care she can. Willow survives her infection and grows healthy.
The world loves Willow
The cat with the special face is very happy that not everyone has prejudices. Lori even made her cute Willow a celebrity.

Willow has her own Instagram profile, where you can regularly see new cute pictures of her. On willowthebeautifulcat she currently has 257,000 followers and is overwhelmed with thousands of likes and positive comments.
The cat who allegedly wasn’t beautiful enough to be liked proved the world wrong. She uses her fame to fight against prejudice.
Willow is seen in many photos with tags around her neck. For example, it says:
“You never look good by trying to make someone else look bad.”
How right Willow is. And how good that a good person protected her from injustice.
2023-05-28 20:17:12
#Unbelievable #Vet #euthanize #cute #cat #shes #ugly