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Castres. Laura Wierre: a golden Castraise volleyball player

the essential
Laura Wierre, a new CMVB recruit, won the gold medal at the World Company Sports Games, which took place in Greece.

Engaged in a season full of ambitions, the Castres Massaguel Volley-Ball pennant team is preparing to play its first away match of the 2021-2022 edition of the French National 3 women’s championship. A competition that the protected Erik Arjona started on the hat of wheels by winning in three dry rounds during the derby against Puygouzon. A dynamic that the CMVBistes hope to maintain on the floor of Muret (tomorrow at 3 pm). To achieve this, the Castres leaders recruited a few young, up-and-coming and former professionals of the size of Emeli Schaffer and Laura Wierre. The latter is also very successful. In addition to her good performance on the inaugural day, the former Albigensian has already won a title which reflects positively on Castres Massaguel Volley-Ball. Laura Wierre thus became the first world champion that the club has ever counted in its ranks. Explanations …

At the beginning of October, Laura flew to Greece where the 3rd edition of the World Company Sports Games was taking place. On the Athenian floors, cradle of the Olympic Games, the team of the 36-year-old administrative assistant made its way to the final, of the mixed volleyball tournament, where she beat the training of lawyers of the Paris bar . “It was a great experience”, summarized Laura who knew how to take pleasure, despite the pressure of the competition. “We are taken for our level, if we do not bring back a medal, we look a little silly”, confided, on her return, the one who teamed up with partners whom she got to know via WhatsApp about ten days before the competition. However, they were not all strangers since Laura shared this coronation with her sister Carole, player of the Calais reserve team which is playing in the pre-national stage.

A title that is not a first for Laura, who won in 2018 in La Baule, but in beach volleyball this time. Never two without three… That’s all we want him to.

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