CASTLE RAVE BERLIN – ZITADELLE SPANDAU A RAVE in a real old CASTLE in BERLIN? You can have it! The Spandau Citadel is one of the most important and best-preserved High Renaissance fortresses in Europe. It is located northeast of Spandau’s old town on the opposite bank of the Havel in the Berlin district of Haselhorst and is a well-known attraction in the Berlin district of Spandau. The core of the complex is a medieval castle, of which the keep and palace are still preserved. A fortress structure was built around it between 1559 and 1594 using the latest technology available at the time. With these old thick walls and this beautiful backdrop, we thought that this club that was created there would be perfect for a perfect rave and we decided to make it happen. On November 30th The time has come and we will invite you to RAVE in a fortress that couldn’t be more unique! Line up: – Freulein P ♫ ♫
INFO! ■ unique location in BERLIN SPANDAU ■ fair price ■ medieval flair ■ techno ■ no strict dress code / No strictly dress code ■ advance booking ■ box office open from 10 p.m.! ■ Start: 10:00 p.m. – 7:00 a.m. ■ Admission from 18 years old. Location: ZITA CLUB ZITADELLE SPANDAU Am Juluisturm 64 13599 Berlin Arrival with subway U7 stop Zitadelle