Home » Business » Castilla y León Prohibits Mobile Phones in Schools Since 2007: Education Minister Touts Success and Low Incidence of Bullying

Castilla y León Prohibits Mobile Phones in Schools Since 2007: Education Minister Touts Success and Low Incidence of Bullying

Since 2007, Castilla y León has had a coexistence decree that prohibits the use of mobile phones in schools, which is developed in internal regulations by the centers, even with standard sanctions, and which is working “well” and without ” “no problem” on the part of the educational community or the parents. This was explained by the Education Minister of the Board, Rocío Lucas, in statements prior to the delivery of the 2023 Education Awards, in which she showed her “strangeness” at the proposal of the minister of the field, Pilar Alegría, when she is in has been going on, in the case of Castilla y León, since 2007. Along these lines, he specified that the coexistence decree of 2007 develops and regulates the restriction of the use of mobile phones in classrooms for students, especially secondary school students, given that Primary schools do not usually have this device yet, and it is limited, by decision of the teachers, only to educational use, reports Ical.

A decree that considers that electronic devices, not only mobile phones but also tablets or digital watches, are “an element that distorts coexistence and has to be regulated in the educational field and this has been done since 2007,” Lucas said. “A plan from the Ministry is coming to the communities that we are already doing, nothing to say,” summarized the counselor, who insisted that the majority of the communities have it regulated within the scope of their powers, given that she reiterated that they are autonomous and non-state.

Along these lines, he assured that all centers have internal regulations that establish in which situations mobile phones can be used, but always limited to educational use, if so determined by teachers in the Secondary School setting. “We are one of the autonomous communities that has had it more regulated for years.”

In response to the association of directors who have questioned whether this is the case, he moved to look at what is included in article 37 of the aforementioned decree of 2007, as an obligation to regulate it because “it distorts coexistence” and added that any internal regulations of the centers It even establishes sanctions, “if it is taken outside the educational field.”

Finally, he recalled that when the situation of bullying is analyzed, the Community is the one with the lowest incidence in Spain and even in the OECD, one of the factors included in the PISA report, along with three subjects analyzed, in the that Castilla y León occupies the first position in the country.

2023-12-16 06:13:28
#Education #regulated #ban #cell #phones #schools

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