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Castilla-La Mancha will remember the victims and workers of COVID-19 every May 31 | SER Toledo

This May 31, Castilla-La Mancha Day, has served to remember the people of Castilla-La Mancha who have died from the Coronavirus COVID-19, which to date are 2,969, but also to praise the work of essential workers during this pandemic. The institutional act held at the Palacio de Fuensalida, headquarters of the regional government, has featured a wreath to the flags at half mast and the speech of Emiliano Garcia Page, regional president, who has appointed each of the representatives of the guest workers.

The act, which lasted just over an hour, did not count, like previous years, with the presentation of medals. However, the president of Castilla-La Mancha has announced the intention of the regional government to create a new category for recognition of people, entities, institutions or outstanding actions of this pandemic looking forward to May 31 to come.

At 10:30 in the morning the act began in which the Spanish anthem sounded and the flags were raised, minutes later they were lowered to half-mast as a sign of mourning. With piano and cello music in the background, the around 30 participants have been depositing white flowers with a black bow at the foot of the flags.

Guests have been placed in three rows, keeping the safety distance. None of them have spoken publicly, but the president of Castilla-La Mancha has referred to all of them by name. Page’s speech, which lasted approximately 50 minutes, revolved around the gratitude, tribute and courage of the entire society to overcome this crisis. “I want to thank all of you who are here and many others that I will now mention, in general all those who have felt involved in this battle.”

The president has referred to this moment “to feel it in community” and to share the memory of all the people who have been affected by the disease. The face of the victims has put it Justina Sánchez, 86-year-old woman from Toledo who has overcome the disease. “She has suffered a lot from COVID-19,” said García-Page, highlighting Justina’s energy, who gives “a twelve” to the health workers who have treated her.

Covid-19 proper names

The representatives of the Castilian-Manchegan society have been: Mercedes Fuentes Santos, Civil Guard; Marcos Cruz Mateo, military; José Luis Martín Mora, Local Police; Oscar Sánchez-Portal Medina, National Police; Mariano Perea Fernández of Civil Protection; Miguel Estévez Prado, firefighter; Jorge Zapatera Maroto from GEACAM; Antonio Sancho Buil, environmental agent; Justina Sánchez-Pinilla Carrillo, affected by COVID; Luz Divina Campos Borrallo, cashier of a large area; María Elena Martínez Vedriel, health transport technician; Juan Francisco González Pinilla, carrier; María José Sánchez Carretero, doctor of the Intensive Care Unit; Virgilio Cencerrado, nurse; Natividad Gil Pérez Técnica, in Auxiliary Nursing Care; Felipe Barba López, guard; Jimena Úbeda Ormeño, residence assistant; Alejandro García-Gasco Mayor, farmer; Emerita Domínguez Sánchez, teacher; Emilia Francisca Ramírez Moraga, a Red Cross volunteer and Vanessa Calleja Pezuela, a 112 worker.

Courage for the future

Emiliano García-Page has appealed to “achieve success” to overcome the pandemic of COVID-19 and has encouraged to do so with courage. “In the land of Don Quixote we know what misfortune is, but also what courage is. Courage that we will carry along with prudence. Climbing hills is very hard, but the most dangerous thing is to lower them,” he said in the last part of a speech that ended by wishing health to all citizens.

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