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Castilla-La Mancha Government Supports Resin Sector with New Line of Aid

The Government of Castilla-La Mancha, through the Ministry of Sustainable Development, is working with the resin sector on a new line of aid for the preparation and maintenance of the pine mass for its resination.

This was stated by the general director of the Natural Environment and Biodiversity, Susana Jara, during a work meeting that she held this Friday in the Cuenca municipality of Sotorribas with the representatives of the resin-producing associations of the provinces of Cuenca and Guadalajara. to analyze the needs of the sector. The mayoress and first vice-president of the Provincial Council, Nuria Illana; and the coordinator of the Natural Environment of the Ministry, Alfredo Chavarria.

Susana Jara has explained to the representatives of the producers the characteristics of this new call that will be financed with the MRR Next Generation-EU funds and that “intends to respond to one of the demands of the sector to give continuity to its activity in the forest environment throughout the year while improving the profitability of this type of farm.”

As Jara has recalled, the regional government created this resin table last legislature, “as a meeting forum aimed at reactivating and strengthening the sector under sustainable management criteria with the presence of the main agents involved: companies, entities locals, forest owners and associations”.

The objective is to promote collaboration between the different actors linked to the sector, creating a forum that manages to provide proposals, ideas and information to connect this forest product with the market. “This strategic roundtable highlights the firm commitment of the Government of Emiliano García-Page to socially and environmentally responsible forest management as a motor for development and progress in rural areas, showing support for the sector in the region”, he said.


In the last two years, incentives have been launched to carry out actions to improve and conserve the forest masses in the region and which include a selection criterion that takes depopulation into account. Among them, a line available to the forestry sector of more than 3.7 million euros for investments in equipment and machinery for companies and forestry operations.

In addition, as Jara explained, the Ministry of Sustainable Development has promoted actions aimed at reactivating and strengthening the resin sector, favoring research with various reports and studies on innovative mechanized resin systems (bark pick and borehole method) to evaluate the response and resin production of pine trees with respect to the traditional method, in pilot plots in Cuenca and Guadalajara.

Specifically, some 65,000 euros have been allocated to the preparation of studies and financing of tests for the validation and adaptation of the new system of mechanized resin resin, in addition to research work “with rigorous respect for the environment, and with solid and precise results, we want our resin companies gain competitiveness in the market”.

“The Government of Castilla-La Mancha is encouraging the development of this resource, which has great potential since it is a high-quality product, with multiple sustainable uses, the use of which helps to reduce the use of fossil fuels, contributing to mitigate the effects of climate change”, said the general director.


Castilla-La Mancha is currently the second resin producing region in Spain. It produces about 14 percent of the national resin, in total almost 1,500 tons. In addition, the province of Cuenca has the only transformation plant for this raw material located outside of Castilla y León, “which places Castilla-La Mancha in an important position in the sector at a national level,” he emphasized.

In Castilla-La Mancha there are around 85 resin producers, of which 58 are located in the province of Cuenca, according to data from COSE (Confederation of Forestry Organizations of Spain), a member of GO-Resinlab.

2023-08-19 16:39:29
#Board #resin #workers #work #line #aid #sector #News #Cuenca

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