..Victory Guillen.
The government of Castilla-La Mancha has extended the vaccination calendar for 2023. In particular, the executive incorporates the free infant vaccine against meningococcus B for all boys and girls from two months of age, the vaccine against human papilloma virus (HPV) in men and, finally, the administration of the HPV vaccine Fire of saint Anthony to people over the age of 50. Thus, the Minister of Health of Castilla-La Mancha, Jesus Fernandez Sanzstated in an interview that «One of the president’s main proposals was to work for prevention and that is what we are doing. Decidedly, it is working so that the following generations have better health and this is the roadmap of this government ”.
Castilla-La Mancha will invest 24 million euros in vaccines next year, almost 20 million more than in 2015
To this end, Castilla-La Macha has greater investment in vaccines. In particular, Fernández Sanz explained it “The investment in vaccines in 2015 was 4.7 million and this year it will be 24 million, which represents an increase of almost 20 million more.”
Regarding the free vaccine against meningococcus B, the Minister of Health of the region reminded him “The inclusion in the vaccination calendar was decided in agreement with scientific societies and health professionals”. Also, he added it “The time has come make this decision because of the iniquity it produces not have this vaccine funded. “ It should be remembered that the meningococcal B vaccine is a vaccine that is not on the national calendar and is currently under discussion at the Vaccine Conference.
“The human papilloma virus also poses a risk to men,” points out Fernández Sanz
“There are already 40% of families who have decided that their children receive these vaccines”, Fernández Sanz highlighted. Therefore, the administration of this vaccine will begin next year. “Since the first dose is given at two months of life, the first injection will take place in March”has continued.
Similarly, regarding the HPV vaccine, Fernández Sanz stated that “We have seen over time that the HPV also poses a risk to men. For this reason we have decided, even if it is not in the national calendar, to finance the vaccine for them from the age of 12 because we believe it is also important ».
It also occurs with the shingles vaccine. From now on, the government will administer this vaccine to people over the age of 50.