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Castelsarrasin. The Tartem’pion association supports blood donation

The volunteers of the Tartem’pion association will be present alongside the Association for voluntary blood donation to support the next blood drive in Castelsarrasin, Monday 26 and Tuesday 27 August. A look back at the reasons for this commitment.

Tartem’Pion, a board game association, is actively participating in a blood drive to promote donation and offer a fun time after the effort. Its president Marc Zulian tells us more…

How did this collaboration come about?

I am myself a regular blood donor. On several occasions, I have seen associations participate in previous collections. When Françoise Ladogne suggested that I participate, I immediately consulted the members of the association who all agreed. It seemed important to us to lend a hand to this charitable cause.

What were the motivations for this participation in the collection?

Board games are above all about sharing and the pleasure of being together. In an association, we discover many games, it is impossible to know them all and master all the rules. So the initiated accompany the beginners. The pleasure of the game is often much more important than the desire to win. There are social values, and more and more solidarity values. The proliferation of cooperative games, in which players play together and not against each other, is a good illustration of this. These solidarity values ​​are perfectly in line with those of the ADSB.

What will Tartem’Pion do during this collection?

The first rule of the game will be simple: reach out to overcome the shortage of blood supplies! Then, after the essential post-donation snack, the Tartem’Pion players will offer you a fun time to conclude your donation. There are no board games on the specific theme of blood donation, so we will favor quick games with simple rules, so that everyone can have a nice time after the donation. We hope to see many of you there.

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