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Cashback, this is happening to many users: the alarm goes off

Cashback, a weekend of panic for many users in the race for 1,500 euros and more: this is what made everyone panic

The future of the plan is increasingly in the balance (Pixabay)

If before there was already a strong basic anxiety cashback given the stakes and a near final gong, let alone now that interventions by the Ministry of Economy have also been announced. So every little detail, any particular, is understood as a possible threat or a clue that something is wrong.

After all, the target are not only the famous crafty ones who have abused the rules beyond measure, but also the mere mortals who – enticed – often and willingly have gone over the limit sometimes anyway.

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Cashback, the block that alarms users

Cashback (Pixabay)

This means that there will also be interventions for those who generally had excellent behavior but with a couple of spots. These, in fact, will be deleted and will involve the loss of several operations. While thousands of transactions will be deleted for the crafty ones, hundreds of them could also decay for those who belong to the good part of the 100,000 users who are competing for the super prize.

A measure that would go to redraw the ranking a month after the end of the race, with a clue from these hours that is panicking many users: the block of the operations calculation. The ranking and counting interface, in fact, has been blocked for many users for at least two days.

So many, taken by the agitation, have done trigger reports asking for explanations on the stand-by time. Generally a momentary block is considered normal given the immense amount of data to be assimilated and calculated, but the update related to the controls has triggered the alarm. In fact, if this stalemate is also dictated by this aspect, it is not known. But one thing is certain: many are terrified from the sword of Damocles which could fall at any moment.

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