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Cashback, squeeze on crafty: the new limits to digital payments

The Ministry of Economy and PagoPA are evaluating different solutions to stem the phenomenon of crafty of Cashback, also considering the total exclusion from the reimbursement. This was announced by Claudio Durigon, secretary of the Mef, during a question time in the Finance Committee at the Chamber of Deputies. The Northern League also took stock of the cashless plan, which promotes the digitization of payment methods, encouraging the use of electronic money, to discourage trade in black and without a receipt.

Among the criticisms leveled at the State Cashback there are the many cases of abuse occurred with the splitting of payments, made to reach the quota of 50 movements necessary to receive a refund of the 10% provided by the program and climb the ranking of Super Cashback, the 1,500 euro bonus for the 100 thousand participants with the most transactions.

In the midst of the solutions being evaluated by PagoPA and the Ministry of Economy, there is also that of making changes to the decree implementation which kicked off the program by banning certain types of movement.

Cashback, who are the crafty ones and how they act

At the moment it is indeed possible to carry out more transactions in the same store in a short period of time. Made the law, found the deception, as the famous adage goes. Many Italians, for example, have filled up with petrol with dozens of operations at the same distributor.

The incidence of these behaviors, the undersecretary specified, is very low. According to the Mef, daily transactions equal to or greater than 10 carried out with the same merchant, which would correspond to those of crafty, represent the 0,2% of the total. A number very limited for which, however, measures are being studied.

Cashback, the new rules against the crafty ones

Specifically, via XX Settembre would be monitoring any anomalous or abusive activity, in order to adopt new interventions. For the crafty ones, the cancellation could even arrive and exclusion perennial from the program, with the loss of the right to benefit from reimbursements and obviously the super bonus. In optics preventive instead, blocks could arrive directly on the Io app, which could start recording only the first of the micro-transactions.

Cashback, great success for the program

The Cashback program, however, is working. And the Draghi government would not be willing to enact it fine. Durigon spoke of a “positive signal” for digital payments, also growing compared to the total number of transactions. From 6 million adherents to the program during the experimental period of December 2020, it has passed to the current ones 8 millions, with a constant increase also in registered payment instruments.

Cards and mobile payment tools such as Apple Pay have in fact gone from 9.6 million initiates to over 14 millions in the first two weeks of March.

The Cashback intercepts a share of the transaction on the physical Pos that exceeds 20% of the total in Italy, and is constantly growing. The 56,6% of all transactions valid for the program has an amount less than 25 euro, and highlights the transition to digital payments for many transactions that previously took place with cash.

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