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Cashback, Pos and payments: what changes now

The tax credit for the benefit of merchants, equal to 30% of the commissions charged for transactions carried out starting from 1 July 2020 with payment cards (credit, debit, prepaid) or with traceable payment instruments, the so-called “bonus Pos“, May be raised to 100% in the event that merchants who sell to final consumers adopt, from 1 July 2021 to 31 December 2022, electronic payment instruments connected with electronic recorders or advanced payment instruments. This is what we read in the draft of the Labor Law, which also provides for tax regulations.

At the same time, new ones are introduced tax credits: one for a maximum of 230 euros (ranging from 70% of the expenditure for small merchants with revenues under 200 thousand euros, up to 10% for those with revenues exceeding 5 million euros) to purchase, rent or otherwise use these payment instruments connected to the telematic recorders of electronic invoicing. And the second, from a maximum of 460 euros (ranging from 100% for small merchants to 40% for those with revenues over 5 million) for those who buy, rent or otherwise use advanced electronic payment tools that also allow electronic storage and telematic transmission of the fees.

For what concern cashbackinstead, there is a stop. The program for the allocation of cash reimbursements for purchases made using electronic payment instruments governed by the decree of the Minister for the Economy and Finance is suspended for the six-month period. The savings from the measure will go to finance the fund for the reform of social safety nets. For the year 2022, a fund has been set up in the forecast of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, with an endowment of 1,500 million euros destined to contribute to the financing of reform interventions in the field of social safety nets.

They joined the cashback by downloading the App IO, over 8 million and 900 thousand people who have so far carried out over 784 million transactions. About 5.9 million users have more than 50 transactions and therefore have already accrued the right to receive a refund of up to 150 euros. The App IO application remains active, to be able to participate in the cashback, but also because it functions as a telematic access point to the services, information and communications of the Public Administration.

However, the calendar of the refunds, initially scheduled within two months of the end of each semester; there is a postponement, the new provision indicates the new deadline in November 30, both for the period just ended and for the six months of next year. The draft also provides for a new extension for the sending of the tax bills to 31 August, from the previous 30 June. The dl also provides for the deferral of the tariff countries by the Municipalities from 30 June to 31 July. In terms of employment, the extension of the Covid Cig is expected for the textile, clothing, leather and fur industries and consequent extension of the redundancy block until 31 October for these sectors. The common commitment is to make use of all existing social safety nets before resorting to redundancies.

In the draft of the dl there is also a package dedicated to “simplification and refinancing of the Nuova Sabatini measure”. The text integrates the spending authorization for 2021 with an amount yet to be defined, for“ensure continuity of the measures to support the productive investments of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises implemented”. The draft, to speed up the delivery of contributions, provides for applications submitted before January 1, 2021 for which at least the first share of the contribution has already been paid, the possibility of paying the subsequent installments.

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