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Cashback, checks tight for the first six months deadline

The first half of ordinary Cashback is about to end. And the anti-cunning measures are starting to bear fruit.

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After a “trial” Cashback and almost six months of ordinary, there was time to take the right countermeasures. It has been official for some time now: being crafty is no longer worthwhile. With the closing of the first half of the Cashback program official, in fact, the cross-checks to understand where to intervene and what to fix seem to have paid off. And not only. In view of the summer months, the monitoring system has been further strengthened, precisely to avoid nasty surprises. In fact, a maxi-reimbursement of 1,500 euros is expected shortly for those who will be among the first 100,000 participants to have counted more operations.

The problem arose when we noticed the regulatory hole that had allowed a rather large number of competitors to accumulate a monstrous series of transactions. With the particularity of having made very small ones, all together, to support a single expense. A practice that, although officially not contrary to any rule (hence the hole), had had the side effect of sending the managers, especially the fuel dispensers, into crisis. The most targeted by the Cashback slys.

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Cashback, take the trap: thorough checks for the first semester

Already a few weeks ago, the warnings were triggered: sweeping checks on transactions deemed anomalous and risk of reversal for those unable to prove any errors. This category includes those transactions with an extremely low amount and carried out in the last day. In practice, there is a serious risk that many “climbers” at the maxi-prize suddenly see themselves tumbled downstream. And just one step away from the finish line. It is in fact extremely unlikely that any of the observers will prove errors on such a large stock of transactions.

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Many of these, in fact, could fall into the category of the so-called Cashback cunning. Thus nullifying the whole race. A strategy adopted by the government also to respond to the criticisms leveled at the system, which had transformed (according to many) the repayment plan into a sort of prize game. It should be remembered that the ranking can be monitored on the IO app, the one that regulates the entire Cashback system. The latest update talks about a minimum of 463 transactions carried out since January 1st to be able to obtain the super-refund. But who knows that the ranking cannot be revised.

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