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Cash, that’s how much you can spend without risking penalties

Watch out for cash payments and related limitations. In some cases, in fact, you risk having to deal with fines. So let’s go into the details and see what there is to know about it.

Cash payment (Photo source: web)

The money it does not guarantee happiness but it undoubtedly helps to solve a lot of problems. Starting from nutrition up to the various daily needs, in fact, there are several times in which we find ourselves having to put our hand in the wallet to buy goods and services to our liking. It is no coincidence, therefore, that the tools of payment often end up attracting attention, especially because of the constant changes that we find ourselves having to deal with.

An evolution that seems destined not to stop, so much so that we think that in the short term we will find ourselves saying goodbye to the use of cash and current account withdrawals. Just focusing on cash payments it is necessary to know that, in order to combat money laundering and tax evasion, it is necessary to deal with limits, which lead to having to deal with possibilities many. So let’s go into the details and see what there is to know about it.

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Cash payments, beware of fines: everything you need to know

Pay in cash (Photo source: web)

L’tax evasion turns out to be one of the greatest plagues of our society. Precisely for this reason the executive has adopted, over the years, measures aimed at combating this phenomenon. Proof of this is the limit imposed on payments with cash, currently equal to 1.999,99 euro. Furthermore, starting from 1 January 2022, this limit will be equal to 999,99 euro.

Precisely these, therefore, are the limits to be taken into consideration in order to avoid being fined. These amounts, we remind you, refer to individual payments and to artificially fractionated transactions. Well, once these limits have been exceeded, the Revenue Agency could ask for explanations on the matter, with the interested party who could find himself having to deal with the anti-money laundering legislation. Not only that, you risk having to pay for one fine ranging from 3,000 to 5,000 euros.

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On the other hand i merchants who refuse electronic payment to its customers, they find themselves having to deal with the provisions of thearticle 23 of Legislative Decree no. 124/2019. According to the latter “one applies to the same subject administrative fine amounting to 30 euros, increased by 4% of the value of the transaction for which payment acceptance was refused“.

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