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Cash assistance to (626) families affected by the flood in the White Nile

The High Commissioner for Refugees in the White Nile has started providing cash assistance to 626 families affected by the White Nile flood in Al-Jabalain locality, in the presence of the director of ADRA in the state, Salma Babiker Al-Kamel.
The Shelter Coordinator of the High Commissioner for Refugees in the state, Musab Talib Allah, said that the implementation of the support program began last year by providing shelter materials and in-kind assistance in the flood-affected areas in the state. ADRA organization.
He added, “The cash support program targets 626 families in Al-Jabalain locality for some of the affected villages and neighborhoods in the locality, in order to help rehabilitate and restore houses that have completely and partially collapsed, and that the support is provided through two payments at different times.”

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