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Cases of credit card cloning increase: signs to identify if an ATM is safe

reporter: they are recommendationsvery viable.many will go out to do theirChristmas shopping and many ianto ATMs.pay attention if you don’t want tobe part of thestatistics.withdraw money from an ATMautoticocan be anightmare, you need to know whatmust do so that it does not fall intohands of scammers.>> they use devices toclone the cards, commitfraud and stealing money frombank accounts.reporter: recentlyrepo that at 3,000,000 ofdollars have been stolen.>> this is largely seenlosangeles county and othersCalifornia counties.reporter: some banks aretaking measures to protect theits clients, but it isimportant to ensurehis.>> go to a safe place and seethe machines that areusing.>> I used to have a device, butNow I put this in and it goes upinside.there is no way to copy thecard.reporter: unlike anotherATMcharacteristic do you see here?>> I look at different cablescolors.sometimes they are red or green.This is an alert.reporter: this kind ofcriminal activities arecosting consumers andbancos del pís ás de$1,000,000,000 a year, according tofbi reports.your information may becompromised.try using a gas pumpthat is close to thevisibility and employment of the place.use your credit cardas ebit and not credit.if you have any informationthe student problem with this typeof fraud to report it.If you manage to withdraw money fromATM be discreetand don’t tell it in public,because I could callattention of criminals.presenter: a crime that hasgrown in recent years andIt’s a trend.what are the figures?reporter: the version says thatin 2022 it increased 159% above

2023-11-24 02:46:23
#Cases #credit #card #cloning #increase #signs #identify #ATM #safe

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