Exercise in corporate law (Prof. Zib) WS 2022/
Brexit means Brexit
Oasis Limited is registered in the commercial register of the British Companies House in Cardiff as a private company limited by shares and has been trading online with cosmetic products since 2015. Its registered office is in the United Kingdom and its business address is the office of a British accounting firm. A branch is registered in Austria. The company carries out its business activities exclusively in Austria. The director and sole shareholder of the limited is Adriana, who runs the company from her single-family home in Upper Austria. By way of the General Terms and Conditions, Austrian law is agreed and the passive place of jurisdiction is Limited Cardiff/UK.
On October 3rd, the consumer Bianca from Vienna ordered cosmetic products in the online shop for a price of EUR 800 and paid immediately. She receives an order confirmation from Oasis Limited with delivery confirmation, but the goods are not delivered.
How and from whom can Bianca get her money back?
Case 6 Art 49, 54 TFEU, Sections 10, 12 IPRG, Section 2 GmbHG
2023-11-08 21:12:35
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