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Case Solère : the conspiracy of the judges

Four years after the beginning of the investigation, eight months after the indictment of Thierry Solère, the case which covers the member has not given birth in the politico-financial scandal announced. On the other hand, it could raise a staggering scandal court involving either the elected representative of the Hauts-de-Seine, but his accusers : of the magistrates of the public prosecutor and the chancellery, police and an official of the ministry of Economics. Indeed, the record reveals such an accumulation of counter-truths that they do not seem to arise from a desire to entrap the mp.

Read also – tax Evasion : Thierry Solère wants to be “heard more quickly” by the justice

For what reason? Mystery. A defector from the right became a pillar of the Macronie, as the member knows to be enemies, but he does not understand the cause of this eagerness. With what means? Those of a survey handled : made up accusations, pieces concealed, evidence ignored, a labyrinth of false trails designed to have no output. “My file, it is of Kafka,” says Solère with a weariness bitter.

Refunds invisible that has not been searched

On 7 April, in the numbness of the containment in general, it has however taken the initiative : by a letter of 20 pages with many documents, it took the president of the national Assembly, Richard Ferrand. It calls for the “withdrawal” of the lifting of his parliamentary immunity, was approved by the bureau of the Assembly in July 2018 to allow it to be placed in police custody. “The prosecutor of Nanterre has abused the trust of the institution of lying deliberately to the office of the national Assembly,” writes Solère, denouncing “a petition full of lies and approximations”.

Also read – Case Solère : a judge and a minister hit by ricochet

The mp puts in question not to say in parts – the request that was sent on June 18, 2018 the prosecutor of Nanterre, Catherine Denis, through his superior, the attorney general of Versailles, Véronique Malbec (now the secretary general of the ministry of Justice). Passed on the 22nd of June, the report listed serious suspicions held against him : benefits fictitious consultancy companies, collecting donations of money hidden, real estate transactions like money laundering… The magistrates invoked inter alia “a heritage made up of several apartments without the investment of own funds available and without the use of actual bank loans, thanks to private donors, stating that the requisitions of investigators from the banks “do not confirm the existence of the loans in question”, repayment “are not found either” on the bank statements of the mp.

The amounts advanced by the prosecution are all wrong

In reality, none of this appears in the court file – that JDD has been able to consult. The date of the report of the prosecutor of Nanterre, no audit had been carried out with former employers of Solère (who worked as a consultant before entering politics), to determine the reality of its benefits. In addition, the amounts advanced by the magistrate to assess the income from his private activity are all incorrect : sometimes overestimated, sometimes less, sometimes from the simple to the double, which is at least doubt as to the thoroughness of the investigation.

Also read – Case Solère : the member has filed a complaint which seeks both high magistrates

The leaders of the companies, themselves, have confirmed since then that the future mp was working well for them and what he had done, some had already been interviewed but, curiously, the question had not been asked. Searches had also taken place in their respective societies, but the police was not interested in the documents relating to the missions of Thierry Solère, so that there were many.

Two loans have been presented as gifts in disguise

The expertise it developed later have in any case established the existence of professional exchanges are abundant (several hundred emails) between him and his employers. However, the computer Solère had been seized at his home since the spring of 2017, one year before the lifting of his immunity, and it contained all the evidence. The memory of the device also contained all his bank statements as well as the acts of its loans in real estate allegedly not found.

In fact, the veracity of the credits in question has been unquestioned for nearly a year, when the prosecutor of Nanterre has written his report. As of April 13, 2017, the police officers of the Office of anti-corruption had requested the bank’s member to recover the archives about it. “We received response to our request”, recorded the 17th July following, before listing the loans taken by Solère and the deadlines of its repayments. The prosecutor could not ignore it.

Regarding remittances, the inanity of the accusations is just as much demonstrated. Cheques and bank transfers from friends fortunate to have been cashed by Solère, and in which the attorney stated the dates and the amounts, have never existed. Two personal loans were presented as gifts, disguised as they were repaid for a long time (but the lenders had not been interviewed).

A strange report paid to the judicial process

Another example among dozens : a deposit of 30 000 euro on the sale of a studio seen in 2012 is assimilated to electoral financing illegal, the judges suspected the elected have made a posteriori false promise of sale to justify the payment. Mistake again : the computer expertise proves that the document has not been backdated… but the police, oddly enough, was not identified in the parts list relevant to the investigation.

Where can come from both assertions controuvées? For the most part, they are from a strange report paid to the court proceedings on June 18, 2018 – the same day, therefore, that the famous application of the prosecutor requesting the lifting of the immunity of the mp. Long of 17 pages, this “study on the revenues and constitution of the heritage of Thierry Solère” has been written by an assistant specialist detached from Bercy to the prosecutor’s office’s financial Nanterre, Carine B.

In addition to a focus troubling on the membership of a systematic business leaders, customers elected to freemasonry (disproved by the survey), we find the accusations of ‘ghost’ employees, for the payment of money, the occult, and the false real estate lending, and until questions about ownership of the cars he uses, so that all the relevant documents were in his computer. The whole is illustrated with graphics giving the appearance that a thorough search of what is, ultimately, a tissue of inaccuracies.

An investigation closed for four months

By the way, the note presents a mismatch amazing with the report of the prosecutor : referring to the bonds of the mp, the civil servant writes that “his accounts do not reflect regular payments” but that the unavailability of bank archives in the beyond ten years and the limitation period of three years in tax matters “does not allow to increase the reliability of this assumption” ; so that the magistrate, it certified the same day that “the answers” banks “do not confirm the existence of the loans”.

Another document, recently unveiled by The Carnard chained, increased the déconciation against Thierry Solère : a report of the Directorate for criminal affairs of the ministry of Justice, which added to suspicions of financial that of a collusion with a judge of instruction paris, Roger Le Loire. In the smartphone of the mp, the police had discovered in 2016 exchanges of SMS, where it was question of the case Bygmalion (in relation to the financing of the campaign of Nicolas Sarkozy), in which judge le Loire had been charged. “The latter informed [Solère] of survey items in exchange for the prospect of a nomination in the legislative elections”, known bluntly the author of the report, recalling that a preliminary investigation had been opened by the prosecutor’s office in Paris.

Problem : at the date of this note, the June 21, 2017, the survey was closed for four months, the prosecutor’s office with “no offence”. Is it only plausible that this decisive point has been omitted? However, this document was also sent to the bureau of the Assembly, annexed to the report of the prosecutor of Nanterre to feed the charge against Solère. The deputies will be entitled to question its content, such as on the causes of the retribution justice, whose member of parliament is clearly the object. If they accede to his request and returned back on the lifting of his immunity, this is all the instruction that will be shaken. There will be more large-thing of the matter Solère.

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