The rules for inhabited and vacant housing: the calculation of prices, direct sale or public auction, priority to those who buy their first home from Mestre to Jesolo, from Dolo to San Donà
Francesco Furlan
July 18, 2022
VENEZIA. Almost a thousand Ater apartments for sale between Mestre and the municipalities of the metropolitan area. The plan has obtained the green light of the Region, which in recent days has published it in the Bur. The list of accommodations, municipality by municipality, can be consulted on the Nuova website.
Ma what will happen now? «Le living families in the apartments for sale “, explains Fabio Nordio, president of the Ater of Venice,” they will receive a direct communication from the institution, indicating the price of their apartment. As for what concerns the vacant apartments public auctions will be held. We have to prepare all the documentation, the cadastral maps, the appraisals. It is certainly not an immediate thing, it will take some time. Probably it will start from the end of September».
Housing for sale are 983 of which 224 are currently vacant.
Some things to know. The selling price “to the assignees of the lodgings it is equal to the market price of the same vacant housing units, determined by the Municipality or by the Ater on the basis of a sworn appraisal, decreased by 20% “.
Furthermore, as the Ater resolution states, “only the assignee or other member of the family unit who has been renting the accommodation for more than five years and is up to date with the payment of the rent are entitled to purchase and service management fees.
In case of purchase by cohabiting family members the right of residence in favor of the assignee is reserved. In this case, there is an obligation not to sell the accommodation before five years have elapsed from the date of purchase, except in cases of an increase in the family unit by at least two units, or the transfer of the buyer to a municipality more than fifty kilometers from the location of the property “.
As for what concerns instead the alienation of vacant housing “It is carried out with the public auction procedure, with increasing bids, assuming the market price determined on the basis of a sworn appraisal on the basis of the auction”. Even in the case of auctions, there are some constraints that should be kept in mind.
As per regional legislation, in fact, in the public auction call for tenders, it must be specified that, in the first auction experiment, the participation is reserved to the natural persons who intend buy your first home. But if no one comes forward, all the other interested parties, starting from the second test, will be able to participate.
Most of the accommodation for sale is in Mestre. Ater expects to sell at least one hundred, cashing in approximately 5 million euros destined to restore 305 accommodations, of which a part in the historic center.
«The historic city was excluded from the sales plan», Continues the president of Ater Nordio,« by political choice, because we did not want to run the risk of speculation. On the other hand, the apartments for sale on the mainland are in mixed contexts, where Ater owns only a part of the apartments ».
Some readers of the Nuova, through social media, have also reported some in these hours inconsistencies regarding the construction date of some lodgings, for example in via Dal Cortivo where, from the Ater floor, there are some built since the beginning of the Thirties.
«Of course, Villaggio Laguna is not from those years», says Nordio, «but these are accommodations that are probably not found in that context. In any case after this report we will do a deepening».
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