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Casaleggio loses against Calabresi on the meeting with Salvini in 2017

ROME – Mario Calabresi was right and Davide Casaleggio was wrong. The former director of Repubblica had not defamed him, confirming with an editorial, a tweet and a video, between 15 and 16 June, the news of a meeting between Casaleggio and Salvini in 2017 written by Matteo Pucciarelli. To establish it, just on August 13, is the judge of Ivrea Paola Cavarero who, in six pages of sentence, rejects Casaleggio’s requests and sentences him to pay the costs of the case. For Calabresi it is the second “victory” against Casaleggio because the Order of Journalists had already definitively rejected his request for a disciplinary measure.

But what happened three years ago, so a year before the yellow-green government, when Repubblica, on June 15, comes out on the front page with the piece by Pucciarelli, a journalist familiar with the events of M5S? The title revealed the content: “The signals between grillini and Lega and the Salvini-Casaleggio meeting against the broad agreements”. Casaleggio disputes the veracity of the news – confirmed instead to Calabresi and Pucciarelli from different sources – but does not proceed with direct action against the article, so much so that the judge specifies that its content is out of the question. But he takes it out, in a personal capacity and not as a director in charge, with Calabresi’s next steps, a tweet, an editorial and a video on the site.

On the Blog of the stars, the reaction of Casaleggio and M5S to Pucciarelli’s article is immediate and very strong. To be clear, here is the tone: “Today Repubblica opens with a fake news on the front page. Wouldn’t there be anything new if it wasn’t that this time it’s about me and e? was artfully created to discredit M5S. That of the newspapers and? a tried and tested method, for convenience? we will call it “Metodo Repubblica” since this newspaper makes extensive and immoderate use of it ”.

Calabresi’s reaction is inevitable and hard, who has no doubts about the news, having also verified it in person and with his journalists. Here is his tweet: “In a normal country, politicians do not hide behind false denials: we confirm the Casaleggio-Salvini meeting. We have certain sources ”. But M5S insists and various of its exponents deny the meeting told by Repubblica. Instead, our newspaper confirms with a video by Calabresi and an editorial.

Calabresi wrote on June 16: “The Repubblica method exists and is it now? of course, there is the 5 Star method. The first, ours, has a few simple rules: when you receive news, look for confirmation. Only after you have found it will you be able to publish. This we did the day before yesterday when a source we trust told us about a meeting between Salvini and Casaleggio. Thanks to another person familiar with the news face to face and? became a front page article. That’s all”.

Judge Paola Cavarero’s decision is clear-cut, and gives the wrongdoing to Casaleggio and her lawyer Caterina Malavenda, and proves Calabresi and Virginia Ripa di Meana right. First of all, Calabresi’s statements come after “the harsh criticism of the newspaper” by Casaleggio. Calabresi, writes the judge, “both in the tweet of June 15, 2017 (and in the video recorded on the same date) and in the article dated June 16, 2017, was, indeed, limited to responding to the criticisms made by the counterpart, as well as by exponents politicians unrelated to this judgment, clarifying the methodological rigor adopted and the reliability of the sources of information relating to the Casaleggio-Salvini meeting ”.

Moreover, Cavarero writes again, “the expressions used, especially if compared to the tones used by the counterpart, are formally correct and measured”. The rejection of Casaleggio’s request follows.

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