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Cars destroyed by hail: this policy saves you from the beating

The storm that hit some areas of the Milanese area causing extensive damage to parked cars has highlighted a problem that is often underestimated by motorists; the possible consequences of a sudden hailstorm.

A risk that, according to the analysis carried out by Facile.it out of a sample of over 700,000 estimates, it seems to be taken lightly by policyholders if we consider that, among those who have added an ancillary guarantee to the basic liability insurance, only 3.5% opted for a policy that covers natural events.

Natural events policy: how it works

The natural events policy protects the car owner from damage caused to the vehicle by atmospheric events such as, for example, floods, floods, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, landslides, landslides and, of course, hail.

Damage caused to the vehicle by things carried by the wind and by falling trees is included, but only if these are consequent to the atmospheric events covered. As regards water-related damage, however, those caused to the engine as a result of circulation in flooded areas are normally excluded.

Some insurance companies, in case of natural events, require the policyholder to provide proof of the event through, for example, articles published in the media (on and off line), a written statement from the local authorities or, again, the confirmation from the nearest meteorological observatory; the classic “Fantozzi cloud”, therefore, may not be covered.

Also be careful, because in some cases the natural events policy can only be purchased if added to other guarantees csuch as, for example, fire and theft, crystals or vandalism.

Finally, before purchasing the policy, it is good check ceilings and overdraft. Many companies apply a fixed amount or percentage, which normally varies between 5% and 10%, not covered by the policy; this value may in some cases increase if you choose to have the car repaired at a non-affiliated garage.

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