Home » today » News » Carry forward the original aspiration of Asia-Pacific cooperation and lead a new journey of prosperity and progress – President Xi Jinping’s speech at the 30th APEC Leaders’ Informal Meeting triggered a warm response from the international community

Carry forward the original aspiration of Asia-Pacific cooperation and lead a new journey of prosperity and progress – President Xi Jinping’s speech at the 30th APEC Leaders’ Informal Meeting triggered a warm response from the international community

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, November 18 Title: Carry forward the original aspiration of Asia-Pacific cooperation and lead a new journey of prosperity and progress – President Xi Jinping’s speech at the 30th APEC Leaders’ Informal Meeting triggered a warm response from the international community

Xinhua News Agency reporter

On the morning of November 17, local time, the 30th APEC Leaders’ Informal Meeting was held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, USA. President Xi Jinping attended the meeting and delivered an important speech titled “Stick to the Original Aspirations, Unite and Cooperate to Work Together to Promote High-Quality Growth in the Asia-Pacific.” The speech triggered a warm response from the international community. People from many countries said that President Xi Jinping had a profound understanding of the development trend of the times, carried forward the original intention of Asia-Pacific cooperation, and pointed out the direction and injected impetus for jointly building the next “golden thirty years” of Asia-Pacific development. It is believed that China will promote Asia-Pacific cooperation to achieve more fruitful results and make new and greater contributions to the common development of the region and the world.

Respond to challenges and shoulder greater responsibilities of the times

“What kind of Asia-Pacific should we bring to the middle of this century? How to create the next ‘golden thirty years’ of Asia-Pacific development? How to better play the role of APEC in this process?” In the current century-old changes in the world that are accelerating, As the world economy faces multiple risks and challenges, President Xi Jinping called on leaders in the Asia-Pacific region to think deeply about the issues of the times for Asia-Pacific development, work together to address global challenges, and fully implement Putrajaya’s vision.

“This is a profound reflection by leaders of major powers on the future development of the Asia-Pacific region.” Zemir Awan, founding chairman of the Global Silk Road Research Alliance, a Pakistani think tank, said, “President Xi Jinping’s speech focuses on the prospects of Asia-Pacific economic cooperation and the future of global economic growth. directional speech.”

Awan said that the Asia-Pacific region has always been at the forefront of global openness and development, and China is an important engine for regional economic development. President Xi Jinping’s speech once again demonstrated the principles and spirit that China has adhered to in the practice of jointly building the “Belt and Road” over the past decade, pointed out the direction for deepening cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region in the next step, and drew a blueprint for the future development of the Asia-Pacific region.

“This fully reflects China’s responsibility as a major country and will be universally welcomed and recognized by all countries in the world.” Mankevich, chairman of the Russian-Asian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, pointed out that the Asia-Pacific region is of special significance to the world, and its future development direction is particularly important. The essential. The implementation of Putrajaya’s vision will have an important impact on the world, and achieving its ambitious goals requires persistence in dialogue, mutual respect, mutual understanding, and mutual benefit. “It’s great to see that this has broad support across the Asia-Pacific region.”

Jin Ping, director of the Institute of International Relations of the Royal Academy of Cambodia, said that President Xi Jinping’s speech at the APEC Leaders’ Informal Meeting highlighted the important role China plays in global development. China is unswervingly committed to deepening cooperation with other countries in various fields to achieve high-quality development and mutual benefit in the Asia-Pacific region.

China is one of the most important economies in the Asia-Pacific region. Through deepening reforms, China continues to expand domestic demand and imports, bringing huge development opportunities to neighboring countries and countries around the world.” Fernando Cabra, an economist at the University of Tarapacá in Chile Rice said that Pacific countries are an important stage for international trade. As an important trading partner of Argentina and other Latin American countries, China has made important contributions to establishing and broadening channels for mutual exchanges between Asia and Latin America.

High-quality growth will make the Asia-Pacific development pie bigger

President Xi Jinping emphasized building an open, dynamic, strong, and peaceful Asia-Pacific community to achieve common prosperity for the people of the Asia-Pacific and future generations. He proposed four suggestions: innovation-driven, open-oriented, green development, and inclusive sharing, saying that China will work with all countries to achieve common prosperity. Let’s work together to make the Asia-Pacific development cake bigger.

Eduardo Zilly, an international politics researcher at the Autonomous University of Mexico City, strongly agrees with President Xi Jinping’s “adhere to innovation-driven” approach. He said that China ranks at the forefront of global science, technology and innovation, which is inseparable from the promotion of public policies, especially the emphasis and investment in research and development and the development of emerging industries. “We look forward to more dialogue with China in emerging industries and other fields.”

China has a very strong advantage in technological innovation and development.” said Gu Qingyang, associate professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore. “China continues to become a major contributor to global economic growth, with the continuous emergence of innovative achievements and the constantly improving modern production system. It has become a representative progress of China’s high-quality development and will surely further promote global high-quality development.”

Recently, China successfully held the third “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum. Representatives from 151 countries and 41 international organizations actively participated in the meeting, resulting in 458 results. Chinese financial institutions established a 780 billion yuan “Belt and Road” project. Financing window, Chinese and foreign companies reached US$97.2 billion in business cooperation agreements. Many people from many countries spoke highly of this and believed that it was the best explanation for President Xi Jinping’s “adherence to the orientation of openness”.

In the view of Ejide Karulanga, a professor of international economics in Rwanda, “President Xi Jinping calls on the Asia-Pacific region to adhere to an open orientation and accelerate the process of the Asia-Pacific Free Trade Area, which is in line with the common interests of the Asia-Pacific region.”

Taking Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea Comprehensive Smart Energy Project as an example, Saudi international issues expert Abdul Aziz Shabani expressed support for President Xi Jinping’s “adhere to green development”. This project, jointly constructed by China State Power Investment Corp.’s Yellow River Company, provides the Red Sea Resort with a comprehensive smart energy integration solution, ensuring all-weather green energy supply and storage.

“The green development of the Belt and Road Initiative advocated by China is an important driving force for global sustainable development. China has always been committed to carrying out pragmatic cooperation with co-building countries in green infrastructure, green energy, green transportation, green finance and other fields. In green Low-carbon sustainable development has spawned many new growth points, effectively promoting a win-win situation for economic development and environmental protection,” Shabani said.

Brett Riley, a member of the New Zealand APEC Business Advisory Council, has visited China many times and is deeply impressed by China’s achievements in the field of green development. “China’s new energy development is rapidly changing the energy system of transportation. I believe that New Zealand will have broad space for cooperation with China in the field of energy conservation.”

From the China-Laos railway that helped Laos realize its dream of becoming a “land-locked country” into a “land-linked country”, to the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway that became the “fastest” in Southeast Asia and ushered Indonesia into the “high-speed rail era”, from the “two countries and two countries” between China and Malaysia “Park” accelerates the construction of cross-border industrial chain supply chain value chain, and the Luban Workshop in Thailand has continuously cultivated young skilled talents for Thailand and regional countries for many years… China has always adhered to inclusive sharing with practical actions, and insisted that everyone develop together is the real develop.

“Whether it is the ‘Belt and Road’ initiative, the three major global initiatives, or the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind, the original intention and principle of China’s foreign exchanges is universal benefit and sharing. This is the great wisdom of the Chinese nation. International cooperation is not a zero-sum game where you win and I lose. and game, but should be a win-win and win-win common development.” said Korzhumbayev, editor-in-chief of “Kazakhstan Business News”.

Unite and cooperate to create the next “golden thirty years” in Asia-Pacific

President Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech that China adheres to the path of peaceful development, and the fundamental purpose of development is to enable the Chinese people to live a good life, not to replace anyone. This year marks the 45th anniversary of China’s reform and opening up. We will adhere to high-quality development, promote high-level opening up, and use Chinese-style modernization to provide new opportunities for promoting the modernization of countries around the world. I am willing to work with all my colleagues to promote Asia-Pacific cooperation to achieve more fruitful results and jointly create the next “golden thirty years” of Asia-Pacific!

“In the context of the global economic slowdown and heightened geopolitical tensions, President Xi Jinping’s remarks on jointly building the next ‘golden thirty years’ in the Asia-Pacific are exciting!” Jin Ping said, President Xi Jinping’s remarks on deepening Asia-Pacific cooperation and promoting regional peace The important proposition of world economic growth will inject new momentum into building an open, dynamic, strong and peaceful Asia-Pacific community and will also benefit other regions of the world.

“President Xi Jinping once again pointed out the importance of unity and cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region in his speech.” Kisej Zoltan, director of the Political Analysis Center of the Sazodweg Institute in Hungary, was deeply touched by this. “China adheres to high-quality development and promotes High-level opening up will not only create a favorable environment for the Asia-Pacific region to move towards a better future, but will also provide huge opportunities for countries in other regions of the world.”

Sebastian Schulz, a researcher at the China Studies Center of the National University of La Plata in Argentina, believes that China’s contribution to world development and prosperity is obvious to all, and Chinese-style modernization provides a reference for developing countries to find a modernization path suitable for their own national conditions. Xi Jinping The chairman’s speech once again demonstrated China’s commitment to sharing development opportunities and useful experiences with the world.

“I very much agree with China’s important role in promoting common development in the Asia-Pacific region and building a community with a shared future for mankind.” Ahmed Kandil, an Asian affairs research expert at Egypt’s Pyramid Political and Strategic Research Center, said, “China’s proposed ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ The One Road initiative has promoted intra-regional cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region, especially in infrastructure and connectivity projects. The three major global initiatives proposed by China will also play an important role in realizing a common vision for the world and the Asia-Pacific region.”

Bambang Suryono, chairman of the Asian Innovation Research Center, an Indonesian think tank, pointed out that building an Asia-Pacific community is a practical need for the peaceful development of Asia-Pacific countries and provides new ideas for regional development. President Xi Jinping’s proposal of “Chinese-style modernization provides new opportunities to promote the modernization of countries around the world” not only reflects China’s pattern and responsibilities as a responsible major country, but is also a rational choice that is in line with the fundamental interests of the Asia-Pacific region and enhances the confidence and confidence of the Asia-Pacific region. sense of security.

According to Rusa Bagirisha, an expert on economic and political affairs in Rwanda, China has not only achieved great development achievements, but also contributed to the modernization of countries around the world, which has brought hope to countries that also long for peaceful development. China plays a key role in promoting the construction of a better future in the Asia-Pacific region. “We look forward to China working closely with more like-minded countries and regions to promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind and inject more stability and positive energy into the world.” (Comprehensive reports from Xinhua News Agency’s foreign correspondents, note-takers: Yang Wei, Xie Lin, He Yi, Qiu Xia)

[Editor in charge: Wan Yueying]

2023-11-19 05:29:00
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