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Carrefour resists and does not sign an agreement to indemnify a couple attacked in the market

The legal representatives of the Carrefour Group and the couple attacked by security guards at the Big Bompreço market, which belongs to the Group, did not reach an agreement regarding the payment of compensation to the victims of the incident. According to Walisson Pereira, lawyer for Jeremias Capistrano and his partner, named Jamile, Carrefour had initially committed to pay 8 months of rent worth R$900 and provide basic food baskets to the couple twice a month. That week, the two parties had also discussed a proposal for compensation, which did not go ahead due to Carrefour’s refusal.

“I had already made a proposal for compensation in the extrajudicial way and they were to analyze it. Yesterday, they said that they refused my agreement proposal and that I would not offer any in exchange, considering that their value was very low”, reports Walisson.

According to him, Carrefour’s legal representatives justified that there was no point in paying compensation to the couple, since the company was already paying for the basic food basket and rent. Thus, given the lack of understanding between the parties, Carrefour would have reversed its decision to pay for housing for Jeremias and Jamile.

“They said that they would only pay for a basic food basket and that, if we wanted compensation, we could seek it in court. [Disseram] that they have already done everything they could and that they could not be held responsible because they were the ones who caused the occurrence. Jeremias and his family are very sad, as everything was ready for them to move”, detailed the couple’s lawyer.

The case goes to court in an attempt to obtain compensation. “It is unacceptable that Carrefour sends company employees to harass family members with a basic food basket so that they give up the compensation to which they are entitled. Let’s go to the judiciary, because it is inadmissible”, guaranteed Walisson.

Sought to take a position on the report by Jeremias and Jamile’s lawyer, Carrefour, in a note, said it was in contact with the victims through their legal representatives, and reiterated that psychological support and emergency help had already been offered to cover food and other essential expenses of both.

The company also stated that it continues with an open dialogue in relation to the case. “We reinforce that, as soon as we become aware of the regrettable case, we assume our responsibility to commit all necessary efforts to investigate the crime and take the appropriate measures. We have reported the aggression to the police and made the images from the store’s security cameras available to the authorities so that the case can be properly investigated”, concludes the note.

remember the case

The couple who allegedly stole four packs of milk from a supermarket were humiliated and attacked by security guards at the Carrefour unit, which works as Big Bompreço. The property is next to Shopping Salvador Norte, in the São Cristóvão district of Salvador. The case would have happened on the morning of May 5th.

Jeremias and Jamile were surrounded and attacked by seven security guards. In addition to being cursed and attacked in the company’s garage, the couple suffered even more after being taken into the store. “They hit my legs with an iron bar, told me to crouch down and open my legs, just to kick my private parts”, recalled Jeremias.

The moment of the attacks was filmed by the security guards themselves, who shared it on social networks. In the video, the person filming hits the woman in the face, who is holding a backpack with milk packets. In addition, the man surrenders to the ground and also receives slaps on the face.

In the released images, one of the security guards asks the woman “Why are you here?”, and she replies that she was “needing things for her daughter”, and shows her backpack. Then one of the men slaps her face. She tries to protect herself and the man asks her to remove her hand from her face. Afterwards, the other victim, who identifies himself as Jeremias, is shown sitting on the floor, and also undergoes interrogation, which includes assaults on the face.

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