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Carrefour Collaborates with Cáritas Diocesana for Labor Inclusion and Social Support: Success Stories and Partnerships

Carrefour collaborates with Cáritas Diocesana to achieve the labor insertion of people at risk or in a situation of social exclusion that the entity accompanies in the Diocese. The supermarket chain hosts in its facilities 105-hour on-the-job training actions organized by Cáritas and which are co-financed by the European Social Fund within the framework of the Operational Program for Social Inclusion and Social Economy (POISES 2020-2023).

In this way, since mid-2022 and so far in 2023, 127 people referred from the Cáritas Diocesana Employment area have completed this training period in different Carrefour centers in the Bay of Cádiz, specifically in Jerez de la Frontera, Puerto de Santa María and Arcos de la Frontera. This type of training actions involve real learning, in the company itself, of the specific functions of the job.

Of the total number of people who have completed this training, 67% of the participants, 85 people, have been hired by Carrefour and 9 have already achieved a permanent contract in the company, specifically in El Paseo, Jerez Norte and Jerez Sur.

Juan Pérez, director of Cáritas Diocesana, appreciates the valuable collaboration of the supermarket chain, since “it shows its involvement and commitment to the people we accompany, who need a second chance in the world of work to regain their autonomy and control. of their life”.

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