Home » today » Entertainment » Caroline “The 12 strokes of noon” shocks Jean-Luc Reichmann, following the incredible revelations of his friends!

Caroline “The 12 strokes of noon” shocks Jean-Luc Reichmann, following the incredible revelations of his friends!

Caroline: The new champion of Twelve strokes of noon on TF1, presented by Jean-Luc Reichmann, is once again talking about her. This August 11, the famous host and presenter of the TF1 Midday game seemed very surprised by the revelations made by Caroline’s relatives. The young woman present since the beginning of July does not stop doing Featured media as fans see in her the possible next great champion of the game. At the head of a jackpot considerable after a few weeks of participation, Caroline amazes every day by her culture and her confidence for her very young age. Gifted in all areas, it seems impossible for Jean-Luc Reichmann to surprise her with her questions and the more the days go by, the more Caroline feels in her place.

Very discreet about his private life, Jean-Luc Reichmann nevertheless regularly tries to know a little more about the daily life of the one who is perhaps on the way to breaking new records in the famous show. While he had already been interested in his studies, his loves or other sides of his private life, today, he asked his private circle to reveal to us his biggest flaws. The answer had the merit of surprising Jean-Luc Reichmann and the many viewers who watch the game daily. Indeed, Caroline has an encyclopedic memory in many subjects, but it would seem that she is not the memory of numbers.

If on several occasions, it was Caroline’s brother who was questioned by Jean-Luc Reichmann about his life, today it was two of his closest friends, Julien and Manon, who answered the host’s questions. He then asked them to tell him the biggest faults of his new protégé. In one premier adjectives time, ” shy ”And” clumsy “, Came at the top of the list of little quirks of Caroline, her friend remembered a mishap which today made them laugh. Manon thus affirmed ” And, do not entrust him with his credit card! “.

The presenter of Twelve strokes of noon and viewers wondered why, hard to imagine that Caroline could be dishonest, but in fact it was a whole different matter. ” She might block her ”Affirmed Manon. “ Once, she kindly offered to go get some money for everyone has an ATM, so with the credit cards of several people and unfortunately, she ended up blocking the card of the famous ‘Dédé’ (another friend, ndlr) “. Her friend continued the anecdote by pushing the new champion of the Twelve strokes of noon : ”Instead of stopping at two wrong codes, it continued until the 3rd“. A confession that visibly made Caroline a little uncomfortable, and she tried to hide to hide her embarrassment. ”I was so convinced that it was the right code, that I said to myself that the machine would eventually accept it.r ”she tried as a defense.

An anecdote that made everyone laugh on the set and probably the viewers in front of their small screen. But far from spending anything else, Jean-Luc Reichmann added a layer: ”VYou imagine that this is how you are going to find someone in life “. A small remark well placed for the one who recently admitted to being single for 26 years, her current age. By her own words, Caroline has yet to meet love and is still looking for the perfect man. A future companion whose profile she described that might perhaps please her. There is a few days, Caroline admitted that she was not insensitive to Kevin’s charm. Mayer, the great sportsman and that if she found her double with brown hair, she could perhaps fall in love with it. In any case, the little daily anecdotes about the life of the new champion and her repeated victories in The twelve strokes of noon, have brought to Caroline a large number of fans who rejoice in her successes.


Today at the head of a sum of 84,800 euros, she may also be preparing to discover a new mysterious star. With 25 boxes already discovered, she had tried Clint Eastwood and Quentin Tarantino the day before, but would be well on the way to repeating a new big move in The twelve strokes of noon. Daily successes which make observers say that the young woman would really have the potential to perhaps become the new benchmark of the game after successes like those of Eric or Paul. But before reaching their levels and their number of victories, there are still many steps to take for Caroline to claim to become the greatest Mistress of Midi. To get to this stage, he will have to beat one of the two records set by Eric, the Breton. In other words arrived at 200 successes or exceed the more than 900,000 € of cumulative gains. Two challenges that could be up to it.

For his part, Jean-Luc Reichmann must be satisfied to have found a new pearl which manages once again to retain its viewers. Because after more than 10 years of presence on the air, The twelve strokes of noon still regularly manage to exceed the 3 million French people who are in front of their television for one of their favorite games. Market shares that correspond to more than 34% of people over 4 years old present in front of their screen daily. To draw a parallel and realize the feat, we can compare these figures with those of Everyone wants to take its place, on France 2, presented by Nagui, which brings it close to 1.7 million followers, or 18.5% of the same target audience. Figures which clearly show that Jean-Luc Reichmann and its program remain the number 1 entertainment for lunchtime, all French television channels combined.

Results which still allow the father of 6 children to be in the polls that put him at the top of the favorite personalities of the French. A nice success after so many years of presence on the screen, without really experiencing significant hollows. Jean-Luc Reichmann, it is a real happiness for TF1, but also for the advertisers who are sure with him to make a full success.

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