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Caroline Berg Eriksen in «Norway’s new megahit» has caught a cold:

Influencer Caroline Berg Eriksen (34) was the first celebrity to appear on stage last Saturday, when the premiere of TV 2’s new weekend venture «Norway’s new megahit».

The song “Do it yourself” garnered a total of 20 points from the mentors, and it was former P3 profile Christine Dancke (37) who was Eriksen’s supervisor and mentor during the songwriting.

This week it is artist Daniel Kvammen (33) who will guide her through the next song, and it has not gone completely smoothly for the blogger, who has contracted a cold.

Gets a little different

– I woke up on Sunday and felt that I was thick in the throat. It was the day after the broadcast, so at first I thought I was just a little tired, but I have a very cold, and it always goes beyond my voice, says a hoarse Berg Eriksen on the phone to Good evening Norway.

HES: Caroline Berg Eriksen’s voice does not quite play on the team in the days before the next round of «Norway’s new mega hit», Photo: Fredrik Arff / TV 2

She is in the car on her way home to her husband and children in Sarpsborg, after spending the day in the capital to record next weekend’s song and potential mega-hit.

– The song needs to be finished, and should preferably have been finished yesterday. We worked a lot with the lyrics then, so I had to sing it today. It will be out on Spotify on Friday night, she explains.

She admits that it is a bit awkward that it has to be immortalized with the voice she has now.

– I hear that I make an effort, so it will be a little different. But I have no choice, that’s what comes out now, and that’s just the way it is, she says.

She is in good spirits ahead of the next live broadcast, which is four days away.

– It’s a while until Saturday, she states.

Drink tea and be quiet

Berg Eriksen is secretive about his next song, but can reveal that it will be very different from the previous one.

– The first song was quite loud, where I said many of the things I have wanted to say for a while. The new song has a little more humor in it, she says wisely.

But first she must nurture her sore voice well.

– I have to drink tea with ginger and honey and such, and talk as little as possible. But exactly that can be difficult, because I am someone who generally talks quite a lot, Berg Eriksen laughs.

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