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Carolina Marconi begins chemotherapy: “In life you fight”

Carolina Marconi begins the chemotherapy and courageously recounts his battle against breast cancer. A few days ago the former competitor of the GF VIP she had told on Instagram that she had received a terrible diagnosis and was ready to fight.

“I’m not good at telling myself – she wrote -, but I would like to share, even if it is not easy, a bad period of my life. On March 24 they diagnosed me with a breast cancer, I remember when the doctors told me. My blood ran cold and I ran away like a fury, slamming the door. I went to the clinic bar bursting into endless tears. Thoughts tormented me. I was wondering: “And now all my dreams and my plans what will happen to them ?!” I felt finished as a woman. Destroyed, I lacked air. I was lost “.

After the initial discomfort, Carolina he decided to face the battle, supported by the people closest to him. “I faced a difficult operation that lasted more or less 8 hours – he recalled -. They had to remove the tumor and also rebuild my breast. Well yes I sacrificed my breast to avoid the radio ”. Now, after the operation, Marconi will have to undergo the chemotherapy. An obstacle course that is living with great strength and courage, supported by her family and fans who cheer for her on Instagram.

“I put the picc-port, the 41 cm cannula in the vein that will follow me throughout my journey … second step achieved, since the first was the surgery – he explained, without hiding his fears -. I do not deny that today I was a bit scared and terrified, unfortunately I collapsed crying in front of the nurse, I am human not a robot. In these cases, crying is an outlet, a liberation, it is good for the soul, paradoxically you feel stronger than before. Clearly it wasn’t a walk in the park, I was afraid of pain but instead it was easier than I thought. I only felt the point of anesthesia and then nothing… after 20 min they had already done it, I’m fine I have no problems ”.

Despite the fear, the former star of the GF keep smiling. “Everything passes in life and you always fight with your head held high – he wrote, thanking the followers for the many messages received -. Thank you for all the wonderful messages I receive, it is also a way to face everything with an extra strength and never feel alone ”.

Carolina Marconi

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