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Carolien Spoor calls on people to think about posting comments

Carolien says in the message that she comments such as ‘Are we missing something?’ and ‘Are you pregnant? actually already expected a bit after posting the photo in question. ‘On purpose I did not crop or edit the photo: I was only busy cuddling a newborn goat and not with the’ perfect ‘posture. But I still thought it was intense to read how many people dare to make blatant comments. ‘

The actress and mother of two, says she is ‘quite satisfied’ with her body, but wonders – even if there would be a small (corona) belly – why this is immediately put away as pregnant. The 33-year-old knows from his own experience how enormously painful it can be to have to deal with these kinds of reactions. “My dear sister, who has gained weight considerably due to her medication, gets pregnant remarks at every turn and they hurt her enormously,” she explains.

That is why Carolien wants to use the situation to serve a broader purpose. For example, she writes: ‘Please think for two seconds about the purpose of your comment and whether you would appreciate it yourself. And what’s more: compliments are so much more fun to hand out. ‘

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