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Carnival in Rhein-Main: confetti and swaying online

  • fromMeike Kolodziejczyk


The street carnival is canceled, as are the carnival sessions. The Internet is becoming a playground for fools on the Rhine and Main.

Frankfurt: The best of the parades and partying with the Gypsys

In Frankfurt, the storming of the Romans, the children’s procession and the Frankfurt Carnival procession on Saturday, February 13th and Sunday, February 14th, are canceled. Likewise, the train from Klaa Paris will not pass through Heddernheim on Tuesday, February 16. Even if the big parade cannot take place, nobody has to do without the highlight of the Frankfurt Carnival.

Because on Sunday, February 14th, starting at 1:15 pm, HR television will run “The best of Frankfurt Carnival Trains” through the streets of downtown Frankfurt with 222 train numbers and more than 3000 active members. The Great Council of the Carnival Associations in Frankfurt advises: “Simply en Schoppe, Luftschlang, Kreppel, confetti, good mood and so let the neighbors know: We are fast nights!”

The websites of all of the city’s carnival clubs can be accessed via the Great Council’s homepage, all of which provide videos with sketches, shows, hand-made speeches and parades.

Fortunately, there is still the Frankfurt cult band The Gypsys. It invites you to a virtual carnival party on Sunday, February 14th. The live stream starts at 8 p.m. and can be accessed via the link https://youtu.be/M3Jsw0y1cRA. Until Thursday, February 11th, 4 p.m., the desired program can be selected from a list of 50 songs for a donation.



Wiesbaden and Taunus: “Daham blibe”

The “umbrella organization Wiesbaden Carnival 1950”, or Dacho Wiesbaden for short, in which around 40 associations, gardens, clubs and societies with around 15,000 members are united, has proclaimed the motto for the non-campaign: “Stay there – so that everyone can soon be crazy again “. There are also picture galleries of past meetings on the Dacho website. If you are looking for more carnival distraction, you should take a look at the homepages of the individual clubs.

In the Taunus, too, online streams and YouTube videos are a substitute for jokes on the street and in meetings. “Whether glamor or jogging pants, the sofa fast night will be terrific”, is the motto of the Kriftel Carnival Club, which is showing a virtual show. On Saturday, February 13th, there will be a children’s carnival stream from 5:11 p.m.

Oberursel is undoubtedly one of the carnival strongholds in the Taunus, the “Orscheler Fastnacht” with the Taunus carnival procession has been canceled, at the Vereinsring there are at least a few photo galleries and videos of past campaigns available online for viewing as well as links to the individual carnival associations.




Maintal: Kotümiert on the couch

The Käwern from Maintal-Hochstadt have come up with a new format to replace the canceled meetings, with which you can celebrate comfortably at home: the couch via Zoom. The link for the big couch with hand-made speeches, dances and music was available on February 6th on the Käwern homepage. The “mini couch” for children will be available on Sunday, February 14th. Admission is at 1:44 p.m. and starts at 2:11 p.m. Of course, you also need a great costume and a lot of make-up live in front of the screen.


Mainz: Confetti taste and “funny women

“Despite Corona sails happily / the ship of fools sails full of hope.” This is the motto of the campaign in the regional epicenter of Carnival, in Mainz, where one of the largest parades in the republic winds through the streets on Rose Monday. But the street carnival on the Rhine is also completely canceled due to Corona, as are all meetings and live shows. And like many art and cultural institutions, the carnival clubs are also shifting their activities to the Internet. Some even combine the streaming of hand-made speeches and singing with an online wine tasting.

The Mainz Carneval Association (MCV) is the city’s oldest and has been organizing the Rose Monday procession since 1838. This year he set up an MCV media library for the first time. On the portal from February 10th to 16th, not only the traditional carnival bogus will be broadcast, but also the MCV carnival show in two parts, which has been available since February 7th and 14th, each from 5:11 p.m., for eleven euros each see is. In addition to paid offers, there will also be free contributions. A carnival talk show will be broadcast from February 11, 3:11 p.m.

From Wednesday, February 10th, the posse has been available in the media library at any time until Shrove Tuesday. The tickets for the farce with the title “Die lustische Weiber or: Alles auf Fahrt” cost 22 euros and can be purchased from the MCV media library.

The motif carriages for the Rose Monday procession were actually built, but instead of being on the street, they are only presented virtually. How exactly will be announced at a press conference on Friday.

The Mainz Carnival Cooperative, to which the city’s numerous carnival clubs belong, offers all sorts of videos about Carnival on its website. On the homepage of the city of Mainz you can also use the “confetti button” to get a “touch of Fastnacht” on your desktop, smartphone or tablet.




Seligenstadt: Helau to you (tube)

“Online is the word of the times”, is also the motto of the Schlumber Carnival in Seligenstadt, whose Rose Monday parade is one of the most beautiful and largest in the region – and of course also fails. But because “Carnival time is not possible without Carnival”, Jenny Winkler and Dominik Stadler from the foolish stronghold in the Offenbach district thought: “Put a little Carnival online, that would be something!” So ​​the two of them have “Helau to you – Your Schlumbertalk ”devised. There is also the Schlumberschau TV channel on Youtube: with videos, music, entertainment and conversations.

The offers can be accessed via the Seligenstädter City Marketing website and via the YouTube channel “SchlumberschauTV”.


We have to stay inside: Carnival costumes in a Mainz store.

© Frank Rumpenhorst / dpa

Trumpets go unheard if a mouthguard bothers you when you blow.

© Michael Reichel / dpa

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