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Carnival 2022 | Xinzo de Limia, in the Champions League of the retranca

Enduring laughter on an Entroido Sunday in Xinzo is an impossible mission. The good atmosphere is contagious and humor is the only flag. The limianos play in the Champions League of the retranca And so it has been proven once again.

The good weather and the slight rise in the thermometers presaged a large influx of “entroideiros” yesterday in the capital of Antelan. Parking the car in the center this Sunday in Entroido was also a complicated mission and, after 12:30 in the morning, in Praza Maior I no longer picked up a wig.

In the streets of the historic center, one would run into the police running after Djokovic, with a demonstration of “Ayusers”, with the Godfather himself or with a lady shouting “line” in a bingo in which there was no lack of hype, a girl singing the “San Ildefonso” style numbering and women with cigarettes in hand and protesting their bad luck with the chosen cards. In the musical artists section, the ABBA, and in the good environmental practices section, a man dressed in hundreds of coke cans. And it is that the Entroido, in Xinzo and in the rest of the province, also passes through the ingenuity to devise costumes with all kinds of materials.

In between, the Screens, owners of the Limian Entroido, appeared with their characteristic movements and exclamations as well as with the unmistakable sound of vegigas colliding. The amount of “mini Screens” that imitated the veterans drew attention this Sunday: the future is guaranteed in Xinzo. The Entroido continues this Monday with more street parties and a good taste in the mouth.

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