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Carnival 2021 will be experienced from home and through municipal television

No proclamation, no street mask contests, or floats and troupes … In 2021 the coronavirus will not allow Manzanares to experience its carnival as intensely as in previous years. However, that does not mean that 2021 is going to be a year without carnival. Quite the opposite. The council responsible for this festival is preparing an alternative to bring the carnival to all homes.

Manzanares10TV It will be the place where the 2021 carnival takes place. On the afternoon of February 16 it will broadcast a special program dedicated to this party in which, in addition to recalling some moments from previous editions, two costume contests will be held: one general open to anyone older than thirteen years of age and another child directed to all boys and girls up to 12 years of age. In both cases, only and exclusively cohabitants may participate.

In both contests there will be individual category and couples and trios. In the general there will also be another modality for cohabiting groups, while in the infantile the novelty is that the nurseries and schools will participate “by bubbles”, well divided into classrooms or courses.

The two contests will distribute more than 4,500 euros in prizes in total. In the general there will be ten prizes of 50 euros for individual costumes, ten prizes of 60 euros for couples and trios and ten prizes of 100 euros for family groups. In the children’s competition there will be five prizes of 50 euros for individual costumes, five prizes of 60 euros for couples and trios, four prizes of 100 euros for nurseries and fifteen prizes of 100 euros for schools.

How to participate in the contests?

To compete, you will have to record a video (in horizontal format) in which the costume is shown and, if deemed appropriate, include a small carnival gag. In the individual categories, couples and trios and family groups, the maximum duration of the video will be 1 minute, while in the nursery and school modalities the maximum duration will be 5 minutes.

The videos must be sent via WhatsApp (606 789 234) or by email (participa@manzanares10.tv) indicating the name of the participant, the contest to which you wish to attend, the title of the costume and a phone number to which the jury will call in case of being awarded. The deadline for receiving videos will be from 12 noon on February 12 to 12 noon on February 15. All of them will be able to be seen within the special program that he prepares Manzanares10TV. “Hopefully we will have a very participatory party on municipal television to enjoy the masks and the joy of carnival,” confides the mayor.

The jury, made up of people of recognized artistic and carnival solvency, will be in charge of deciding the winners of both contests, which will be made public through the social networks of the City Council and the Manzanares10TV.

The rules specify that no participant may receive more than one award, as well as that the same costume will not be awarded in more than one contest of the same year. Likewise, the winners of the prizes will receive the economic amount by bank transfer.

“We cannot do much more”, laments Sevilla, adding that “culture is always a respite and carnival is also. So if we can reach all the houses and provide a smile to our neighbors, for us it would be more than enough ”.

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