Home » today » News » Carnet noir: Dean Romain Martin Toï Dokpo, Publishing Director of “L’Autre Quotidien” buried Saturday August 10, 2024 | www.l-integration.com – INTEGRATION

Carnet noir: Dean Romain Martin Toï Dokpo, Publishing Director of “L’Autre Quotidien” buried Saturday August 10, 2024 | www.l-integration.com – INTEGRATION

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(Press release from the Editorial Department of the newspaper “L’Autre Quotidien”

The management of the newspaper “L’Autre Quotidien” and the whole team are very sorry to announce the sudden death of our colleague Romain Martin TOÏ DOKPO, journalist and Publishing Director of the newspaper L ‘Autre Quotidien; took place in Cotonou, on Monday July 15, 2024, in his 71st year.

Former journalist for the Daily Service “L a Nation” and former Director of Publication of the Magazine “L’Autre Quotidien”, Romain TOI, is a dean of the media who has professionalism and passion for the profession on the unanimously recognized by his peers.

He is a journalist with a big heart, faithful and full of wisdom and a sense of deontology and ethics approved and appreciated by all. All colleagues and authorities at all levels with whom he had to work have a lasting memory as a friendly person with a great interest in writing.

A funny man, Romain TOI left us sadly, without warning, on Monday July 15, 2024. Our late colleague was a model journalist and an excellent manager. His professional career speaks for itself. Journalist at Daho-Express, at EHUZU, then at the Nation (public sector national news organ), Romain Toï is one of the pioneers of private media. After leaving La Nation, published by ONIP, he created his own newspaper, “Bénin Express” before joining the international magazine “Continental” and then managed the daily news of the the present day and analysis of “L’Autre Quotidien” as publishing director; a task he accepted from the year 2004 until the fatal day of July 15, 2024. For us, he is among those who can be described as a professional model for the younger generation.

Funeral program

Friday August 9, 2024 at 8:00 p.m.: Vigil Mass at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Gbodjè Saturday August 10, 2024 6:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.: Presentation of the body of the deceased at the home of the deceased, in Gbodjè Djèkpota 8:15 am: Raising the body 9:00 am: Burial mass in the Catholic Church of Saint Joseph Gbodjè, and burial in the privacy of the family in Aplahoué. A welcome will be given in front of the Church. The families of relatives, neighbors, and friends thank you sincerely for the many signs of sympathy and sympathy you showed them at the time of this funeral, and pray to the Lord that he will return to to you in abundant graces.

A book of condolences has been opened at the main office of the newspaper, L’autre daily, located in Sainte Rita, health service von Arc-en-ciel-Raoul Follereau, on the 2nd floor of the SOMIMAS building.

People, media actors, associations of media professionals and others who wish to pay tribute to him and honor him are invited to visit the headquarters of the newspaper l’Autre Quotidien, to send the message of witness or leave comfort.

  • The newsroom is open for this purpose every day, Monday to Friday, from 9am to 6pm. The detailed funeral program will be announced later, after consultation with the family of the deceased..

The Management of the Magazine thanks you for all the condolences you have sent to Our Dear and Regretted Brother

Director of the Magazine / L’Autre Quotidien,


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