Home » World » Carmen Crespo resigns to go on the European lists and Fernández Pacheco assumes the powers of her Ministry

Carmen Crespo resigns to go on the European lists and Fernández Pacheco assumes the powers of her Ministry

The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock and Rural Development, Carmen Crespo, presented her resignation late yesterday as his presence in the Andalusian Government and his inclusion in the leading positions of the PP candidacy for the European elections are incompatible. After formalizing this departure, the Andalusian president, Juanma Moreno, will assign its powers to the Ministry of Sustainability, Environment and Blue Economy, ddirected by Ramón Fernández Pacheco, while designing a government remodeling that is scheduled for the month of July, after the European elections. In principle, according to sources consulted, the approach continues to be that they be minimal changes, following the line of the Andalusian Government in recent years. But it is not ruled out that more adjustments could occur within the Executive.

The approach of the Andalusian president, once the incorporation of Carmen Crespo, was to remain in office for the “maximum possible time” with the idea of ​​carrying out a slow and calm replacement process. However, the electoral legislation does not really leave any room. Contrary to what happens, for example, with Minister Teresa Ribera, who could remain in office longer, in the case of a member of an autonomous Government Council the legislation establishes that she is ineligible.

This is what the Organic Law of Electoral Regime in its article 210 bis which establishes that the members of the governing councils of an autonomous community are ineligible for the European Parliament. So the departure of the director must occur at the same time that the candidacy is formalized. The maximum deadline therefore is next Monday, May 6. For this date she can continue as a parliamentarian in the Autonomous Chamber but not as a member of the Government Council.

At that time, the Andalusian Government will suffer a minimal adjustment. The structure of the Ministry will be maintained and the powers will be distributed, leaving the signature in the hands of the counselor Ramón Fernández Pacheco. It will be a temporary measure, until next summer. Juanma Moreno then plans to undertake, after the European elections, the remodeling that will initially only affect the relief of Carmen Crespo. However, it is not ruled out that more adjustments could be made, also coinciding with the halfway point of Juanma Moreno’s term.

The messages from the Andalusian president after the inclusion of Carmen Crespo in the PP’s European candidacy are clear: unity, stability and continuity; reinforcement of the role of the autonomous popular leadership at the state level and increase of dialogue andin the voice of Andalusia on key issues being resolved in Brussels such as agriculture or drought. Hence, the president of the Andalusian Government, Juanma Moreno, arrived at the Andalusian Parliament, accompanied by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock and Rural Development, and the PP spokesperson, Toni Martín.

«We are satisfied with the inclusion of Carmen Crespo on the list. We needed an authoritative voice in Brussels. It reinforces a line of work that we have been maintaining for years so that when analyzing European level the extraordinary situation of the drought or the Andalusian agrarian policy be taken into account. May we be present in the decisions that are adopted. And for that, Carmen Crespo is the most suitable person,” said the Andalusian president, who stressed that “every decision in Brussels about the countryside, water or livestock has an impact on Andalusia.”

But there is a second message after the image of the president with the counselor and after his statements. Juanma Moreno wants to maintain an image of “stability and continuity.” She has done so every time there has been a change in the Andalusian Government due to specific departures, the last being that of the former Minister of Development, Territorial Articulation and Housing, Marifrán Carazo, now mayor of Granada. “We are a team, we work as a team and we will continue working as we have done until now,” the Andalusian president stressed in this sense, thus ruling out that the departure of Carmen Crespo, who has been an advisor since the arrival of Juanma Moreno to the presidency in 2019, is going to happen. to entail fundamental changes or a remodeling.

The president of the Board is currently avoiding any message that could imply a government crisis or a change in the policies that have been applied during this period. legislature. Despite this, and given the time margin that Juanma Moreno has given himself to define the replacement, it is not ruled out that it could be used to make other adjustments in the Government, whether in names or in the powers they perform.

Both the parliamentary spokesperson of the PP, Toni Martin, like the president of the Junta de Andalucía himself, Juanma Moreno, thanked Carmen Crespo for the work done during all these years. Its replacement will be carried out slowly and progressively. In the first instance, when the incompatibility is confirmed, the functions will be assumed by another Department. And later there will be a change in the Government.

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