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Carmen Borrego Joins ‘This is Life’ as a Collaborator After the Loss of María Teresa Campos

Carmen Borrego He also takes refuge in television after the recent death of María Teresa Campos. The communicator has signed on as a collaborator of ‘This is life’which has just launched a new stage on Telecinco after the arrival of ‘TardeAR’ to its afternoons.

After baiting him throughout the program, Sandra Barneda and César Muñoz have been in charge of revealing the signing of Borrego, who has entered the program live. “What a day to welcome you,” said the presenter before giving way.

You will understand that this is a very hard moment in my life, I am trying to accept something that is difficult for anyone, losing a mother, in my case a mother like mine. Obviously, you have to be there for the tough and the mature, I will talk about what I have to talk about. I would like to go calmly, not start with a big fight, talk about my feelings and talk about my mother. Above all, thank you for the love and respect with which you have treated me, my sister and my niece,” Borrego said in this call.

For his part, Barneda also took advantage of this call to thank Carmen Borrego for joining the ‘This is Life’ team, who admitted her need to work: “There is no other choice. A short time has passed and this is not assumed One day to another”.

Carmen Borrego, after the death of María Teresa Campos: “My mother came to think that it had not been important”

Alessandro Lequio, host of ‘Let’s see’, has taken advantage of his space in ‘El Club Social’ of our program to comment on the interview that Terelu Campos’ sister gave and has been very harsh with his way of facing grief. As soon as he saw a video reminder of the interview with María Teresa Campos’ daughter on her first day as a contributor to ‘This is Life’, Alessandro Lequio was quick to speak out: “Everyone mourns as best they can,” he said. she.

And she continued: “But I think that this attitude of a grieving orphan is a bit exaggerated. María Teresa Campos was an octogenarian and sick mother, we have to continue working,” she pointed out, making it clear that she did not agree with the way in which Carmen Borrego was grieving. “The pain is there, but what I am sure of is that María Teresa would have done everything possible to take it inside, so as not to cause shame,” pointed out the collaborator of ‘Let’s see’ in the ‘El Club Social’ section.

Upon hearing those words, Kike Calleja, a friend of the Campos family, responded: “You can’t judge the loss of a mother. No matter how old she is, she is not going to hurt more or less, it hurts because you lose a mother,” he pointed out.

For her part, Sandra Aladro explained that she went to work and that she had to talk about the last episode that had happened in her life, the death of her mother, an explanation that did not help Alessandro Lequio.

2023-09-21 13:51:11
#explode #Carmen #Borrego #return #television #Suffering #orphan

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