Home » today » Health » Carmelo, OSS: at 66 they moved me to intensive care. AssoCareNews.it

Carmelo, OSS: at 66 they moved me to intensive care. AssoCareNews.it

Carmelo, OSS: at the age of 66 they move me to intensive care. I don’t know whether to laugh or protest.

We receive the letter from Carmelo, a social health worker who at 66 was moved from the ward where he worked in intensive care.

“Distinguished newspaper AssoCareNews.it,

I am writing to denounce a grave injustice towards me. In fact, on Tuesday 1 September they informed me that from the next 14th I have to take up service in the intensive care unit of the same hospital as mine.

I am 66 and will retire in February. After thirty years in the hospital, I find it an unjustified offense to decide on such a punitive and penalizing change against me.

I work at the blood collection center, a well-deserved goal after years between general and vascular surgery, medicine, gastroenterology and a short period in the emergency room.

Should I laugh or complain?

Now I can’t even do the nights anymore, let alone the physical fatigue.

I went to the unions, they’ll let me know.

Thanks for the publication which I hope will help me.

Carmelo Ingrassia“.

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