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Carlos Ruckauf: “For now, Trump has a 120-member advantage”

Carlos Ruckauf ensures that there is a political alliance between Cristina Kirchner and Martín Lousteau: “He will surely be their candidate for senator in the City of Buenos Aires and a possible candidate for president of a radical and Kirchnerist convergence in 2027,” he said. In addition, the former vice president assured in Modo Fontevecchiaby Net TV, Radio Profile (AM 1190) y Radio Amadeus (FM 91.1), which Mauricio Macri y Javier Miley They will have to find a point of convergence: “Milei needs a permanent parliamentary structure and Macri has no other way becausealthough he wants to have independence, his electorate does not have it.”

Carlos Ruckauf was Vice President of the Nation between 1995 and 1999, national deputy from 2003 to 2007, from 1991 to 1993 and from 1987 to 1989. He also held the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs between 2002 and 2003. He was Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires between 1999 and 2002, Minister of the Interior between 1993 and 1995, Argentine ambassador to Italy between 1989 and 1991 and Minister of Labor of the Perón government in 1975 and 1976.

How do you analyze the elections in the United States?

Authoritarians don’t like this.

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That is why it bothers those who believe they are the owners of the truth.

While Biden was a candidate, Trump had the battle won, but Kamala Harris It’s something else. She is skilled and a fighteralthough I think that He chose Tim Walz as his vice president because he’s from a state where Democrats always win. I would have recommended Josh Shapiro which is very prestigious in Pennsylvania.

At the moment, In electoral votes, Trump is ahead. In the popular vote they are tied. I make this distinction because we must remember that moment when Hillary Clinton faced Donald Trump and got more votesbut he lost in the electoral college because in the United States when a candidate wins a state, even by one vote, he takes all the electoral delegates.

Reading has to be state by state. There are some who are always democrats like New York, California or Connecticut and states that are always republican like Texas. I see Kamala improving in two of the states that don’t have a confirmed party, although they tend to lean Democratic. Trump still has the lead in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia and Florida. He has a 120-member advantage if the analysis is done state by state.

The two debatesboth the president and the vice president, They are going to be very important. Kamala Harris is going to treat Donald Trump like a accused criminal And she will be standing in her former role as California prosecutor. Trump will base his attacks on the fact that he considers her a communist. The reality is that she is from the left wing of the Democratic Party, but she has nothing to do with communism.

An important debate that will be addressed is that of conflict between Israel and Hamas This is a very hot topic among American youth, as there is a movement called Free Palestine in American universities. The immigration debate will also be present, and Trump will focus on the Biden administration’s lack of intelligence regarding Venezuela.

What could happen to our relationship with our country if Kamala Harris takes the presidency from Trump?

I believe that the United States always ends up playing according to the alignments of the countries in the new cold war of the 21st century. The two important countries in Latin America, besides Argentina, are Brazil and Colombia, which are strongly aligned with China and Russia. Everyone knows that Russia is a problem, but the rival of this century is China. It is the structure of state capitalism facing a traditional capitalism. China is not communist, it has a very strong communist party, but It is a state capitalist country.

Argentina, with the framework that Javier Milei gave to its foreign policy, is tempting for any administration. Obviously, There is already a personal relationship between Trump and Milei And that is a lot, especially in the search for a link between a medium-sized country and a superpower. Argentina’s alignment with the United States will benefit it, above all, in organizations such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

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Elizabeth Pointer: How do you analyse the complex week that Javier Milei had and his relationship with Mauricio Macri?

Milei and Macri need to follow a common path. In the case of Javier Milei, he needs a permanent parliamentary structure, You can’t go from alliance to alliance on every issue. Mauricio Macri has no other way because, although he wants to have independence, his electorate does not have it. What I think will happen is that, at some point, the rival will appear. For now, The ruling party is walking alone because of the Fernández scandal and his misconduct that greatly affects the Union for the Fatherland.

Cristina Kirchner is never asleep and it was very clear in the decision to hand over the control commission of the intelligence agencies to an ally like Martin Lousteauand he will surely be their candidate for senator in the City of Buenos Aires. I think they also imagine Martín Lousteau as a possible presidential candidate of a radical and Kirchnerist convergence in 2027.

This is just beginning to take shape, but when one sees that Lousteau, Moreau and Parrilli remain on that commission, It is very clear that Cristina is moving her piecesI remember that, when there was one year left for Macri’s government to end, everyone told me that the battle between Macri and Cristina was a piece of cake, but Cristina invented Alberto Fernández, I think Lousteau is more solid than Fernández and that he is a candidate to be taken into account. Today, the Government is walking alone, but in that walking alone, internal conflicts are unleashed in advance.

Alexander Gomel: Do you see Lousteau taking Alberto Fernández’s place? It would be a novelty because he is also the president of the UCR.

I think he will be Cristina’s candidate in 2027. He is a UCR president who goes one way, while his party goes another on all issues. Let us remember that Lousteau is not a radical. He was Felipe Solá’s right-hand man and then He was Cristina Fernández de Kirchner’s star minister And when she had to cut spending, he recommended that she not do so and promoted Law 125, which involved plundering the agricultural sector in order to try to maintain excessive public spending. They have many things in common.

Elizabeth Peger: Don’t you see a different alternative for the opposition?

I don’t see it today, but these things cannot be analyzed in the long term. In other countries where politics is more structured, it can be analyzed for two or three years. In Argentina, there is a kind of fluid situation and one does not know how the spaces will be formed. Clearly, Cristina is skillful and has already shown that, When they give her up for dead, she pulls a rabbit out of her hatThe last rabbit was in very bad condition, but this one is different.

The war between Milei and Villarruel escalates

Claudio Mardones: Can Macri and Milei find a way to work together after yesterday’s discussions?

I think they have a very good personal relationship. At the operational time, some difficulties arise because Milei is an economist who spends 90% of his time trying to get Argentina out of the holeto lower inflation, to ensure that there is no spurious monetary emission, to have an agreement to remove the restrictions and reactivate the economy. He does not pay much attention to daily politics, Mauricio Macri is a politician and he works with a very solid team that had difficulties in executing economic policy. They will have to find a point of convergence because destiny unites them.


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