Home » today » News » Carlos Larraín’s phrase that infuriates the opposition: “The left is mounting a coup d’état”

Carlos Larraín’s phrase that infuriates the opposition: “The left is mounting a coup d’état”

It has been a busy week at La Moneda. The cabinet change has generated a great wave of reactions. But in parallel, a new controversy arose. Former Senator Carlos Larraín noted that part of the left is leading a coup.

In conversation with Radio Pauta, the historic leader of National Renewal assured that “the Government is cornered by a very large portion of the left that is mounting a coup.” “A coup is underway here, an attempted coup that is taking place gradually, “Larraín reiterated. The politician added that “the government does not react and there is zero collaboration on the other side.”

Larraín added that “the only light I see is that the Chilean left that acted sensibly for 20 years, reconsider.” “And do not (be) allowed to guide by the left wing that has them completely hypnotized,” he stressed.

It was requested to investigate his sayings

After his statements, the deputy of the Broad Front, Gonzalo Winter reacted. The MP sent a letter to the national prosecutor, Jorge Abbott. He asked him to investigate Larraín’s sayings. This, “by virtue of the constitutional mandate that weighs on the institution, in order to investigate the reliable background of what has been stated or determine that it is falsehood that does the democratic system bad”, according to Radio Bío-Bío slogan.

“They have the luxury of stressing and polarizing the environment more”

The congressman deputy considers that the words of the former senator could be constitutive of a crime of sedition. Or even conspiracy to revolt. “There are some people with a certain weight like Carlos Larraín who have the luxury of stressing and polarizing the invented environment more, things like a coup d’etat that are quite strong and that have no relation to reality “, accused. “If the fact of not having a majority in Congress is called a coup, How will they call you to bomb the president’s house with your family inside?Winter questioned.

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