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Carlos Álvarez Reveals Current Projects and Discussions for TV Return

In an interview with El Popular, Carlos Álvarez revealed what his current projects are, although he said that he has had two meetings to return to television.

Carlos Álvarez about his projects after being left out of Willax TV.

After your program was canceled “The humor vaccine” At Willax Television, Carlos Álvarez continues with his personal projects and is active on his social networks. For this reason, in an interview with El Popular, he made it clear that he does not have an immediate need to return to television, although he revealed that he has already had some conversations.

Carlos Alvarez He also said that he took a well-deserved vacation after several years and after the cancellation of his programs on Willax TV and finally assured that he will continue to fight crime.

YOU CAN SEE: Carlos Álvarez denounces new threats against his life, due to the issue of Wanda del Valle

– Did Willax give you any convincing explanation of why they took the vaccine out of humor?

About Willax there was no more explanation. For me it’s a closed chapter, a closed page, I’m already dedicated to doing my sketches on all my platforms and I’m doing well. So all the fans can follow me.

– But, are you still going abroad to freshen up a bit?

I already traveled. I was away for 10 days and possibly travel to Peru later, but I did not travel to stay. I am going back to my country. I am going to continue in my crusade against crime and I am not leaving my Peru.

– Where have you been?

I was through Panama and Aruba. I was taking a break, on vacation. I haven’t taken a vacation for many years, so I’m going to travel for personal reasons and return to Peru.

– After leaving Willax TV, haven’t you received any new television proposals?

There are some conversations, but let’s wait for what happens later. I hope we go back to television. We’ll see. You know that political humor is very uncomfortable at times and you just have to keep going, hoping that this humor returns to the small screen.

– But, have you had a conversation?

Yes, we have had conversations with two or three possibilities, let’s see what comes out. Let’s see what happens. I don’t want to advance anything.

– Will you be the competition of Jorge Benavides?

Don’t know. I can’t talk about that, but as I’m telling you, it’s just a conversation that we’ve had, from there until the next step is taken is something else.

– Now that you’re not on television, haven’t you considered having an interview channel?

A podcast? Yes, that’s in the plans with my producer. A podcast wouldn’t be a bad idea. I like the idea, interviewing, reporting current affairs, it would be good for everyone.

– So now you are more focused on your things…

Clear. As I told you, I am not dying to return to television, not because I have or do not have the possibility, but because it is also something important to relax. It’s 40 years that I’ve been in this. Now I’m at the shows, I’m full, I’m focused, the times are cool and now even more so with this crusade against crime.

Tomorrow I will be from 10 in the morning to 6 in the afternoon at Pietro Vitoreli, in Santa Catalina, La Victoria, receiving complaints from all those who have not reported a case of violence or crime and have not received justice. We are all going to receive them and then we are going to go to the Public Ministry, the Judiciary and the police, so that your voice can be heard.

– You’ve received threats, haven’t you?

They have been direct to me, because of the Wanda issue. The idea is that all authorities unite against crime. I have already asked for the guarantees, I am taking care of myself, but it is still terrible, just look at what happened with the candidate from Ecuador. It is not my case, but it is terrible (…) I am engaged in this crusade and that is why I do not have much time with television. I am focused on reducing violence.

YOU CAN SEE: Carlos Álvarez formalizes the departure of Willax and reveals the complaint to the channel: “Against our will”

Carlos Álvarez made official his departure from Willax TV

Together with his team that is part of the comic space, the renowned artist Carlos Alvarez He revealed that this decision took him by surprise, since the contract is valid until December 31. “We have to say goodbye to a TV channel. This time, like others, against our will because we have a co-production contract with Willax until the end of the year,” he said at the beginning.

In this sense, Carlos Alvarez explained that for unilateral reasons of the company, “decided to end this commitment five months before its end.” He does not know if it was due to a rating or sales issue. He said that the directors of Willax TV They communicated the decision through a notarized letter, which was received last June.

2023-08-13 21:04:30
#Carlos #Álvarez #cancellation #program #Willax #dying #return #INTERVIEW

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