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Carla Nespolo, president of the national Anpi, died

Carla Nespolo, 77, president of the national Anpi, died. Born in Novara on 4 March 1943, exponent of the left for decades, senator and soul of the Communist Party first and then of the DS. Sick for some time, she had recently concentrated her commitment to the Anpi, which she led since 3 November 2017, the first woman and first non-partisan president elected to this position.

The news was given by the national secretariat of the Anpi, speaking of the “very deep void” that Nespolo leaves and of a presidency characterized by “great wisdom, passion, political and cultural intelligence in the wake of the great tradition of authority and active inheritance of values ​​and principles of the Resistance that has characterized our association since its inception “. It is added “we will never forget his affection towards all of us, his presence continues even in the last very hard months of the disease. Hello commander”.


Numerous messages of condolence from the world of politics. Among the first to remember her on Facebook is the secretary of the Democratic Party Nicola Zingaretti: “With the death of Carla Nespolo, president of the National Association of Partisans of Italy – ANPI, the whole of Italy loses an extraordinary woman who has always fought for freedom, rights, for women, for young people, against all form of inequality. I want to remember it with one of his words: ‘Being anti-fascist today means being against racism, against those who also take advantage of the social crisis to make our country regress politically, culturally, morally’. Carla, we will miss you.

Even the group leader in the Chamber of Leu Federico Fornaro joins the condolences: “Carla Nespolo, President of the Anpi, deputy and senator for four legislatures, was a leftist woman who fought all her life, with determination and consistency, to defend and nourish the ideals of freedom, democracy and social justice. She fought with equal courage and strength against the disease, not giving up until the last day to participate in the public debate, strongly and rightly concerned by the recent neo-fascist upsurge. We will miss her anti-fascist democratic commitment, her advice and love for his land. Hi Carla, may the land be light to you “.

“I deeply regret the death of Carla Nespolo, the first female President of the national Anpi – the senator of Italia Viva writes in a note Daniela sbrollini – He dedicated the last years of his life to actively transmit the historical and cultural heritage of the Resistance, despite his illness: a great example for all of us, he leaves an unbridgeable void, but also an indelible memory “.

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