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Carla Moreau: In underwear on Instagram, she is creating a buzz!

Carla Moreau shared a beautiful photo of herself in underwear on Instagram. What trigger a real buzz on the web!

Carla Moreau is talking about her a lot these days. Indeed, the pretty blonde has repeatedly shared a few clues that suggest that she would be pregnant again. Before starting the filming of Marseillais in Dubai, Carla explained that she felt symptoms that are very similar to those of pregnancy. And recently, she shared a photo of a pregnancy test… So, is little Ruby about to have a baby brother or sister? This is what many hope! Perhaps the dissemination of the Marseillais in Dubai will allow Internet users to know more on the subject! In any case, the pretty blonde and her husband have repeatedly mentioned wanting a big family. This pregnancy would therefore be the logical continuation of events for Kevin and Carla! But for now, the young woman has shared a photo of her which is a hit on Instagram. On the other hand, she does not suggest that she is expecting a child!

Carla appears all dressed in pink

As you can see from the post above, Carla Moreau is absolutely radiant. The pretty blonde dressed all in pink, and above all, in a rather light outfit. And in the caption of this lovely series of photos, Carla wrote: “ I see life in pink “. A nice wink to mention that the young mother feels very happy these days. And that’s good ! In any case, according to the comments her fans have posted, they are completely under the spell of Carla. We read for example: ” Little doll oh lala “,” Omggggg my bomb that “,” Looks like a barbie “,” Canon “,” Waaaaaaw “,” Sublimes “,” All pretty pink suits you “,” A bomb this woman is incredible ” , ” The prettiest “. What enthusiasm for Carla! And you what do you think of this photo?

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