Home » today » Entertainment » CARLA FRACCI “I WANTED OTHER CHILDREN, MY HUSBAND NO” / Francesco her only son


In the film dedicated to the life of Carla Fracci entitled “Carla”, in addition to the amazing career of the étoile, also his private sphere is highlighted, starting from the first meeting with Beppe Menegatti, up to their marriage and the announcement of motherhood, received with many reservations by critics and personalities closest to the woman who saw in a child the end of her career. Inside “Carla”, it is narrated how the étoile has always defended her right to reconcile motherhood with her professional life. From the union with her husband Beppe Menegatti only one child was born, Francesco, and during the gestation the dancer continued to carry out her profession until almost the fifth month of pregnancy. The woman had only one child, but as she herself stated during one of her last interviews before the disappearance, she would have preferred to have more by declaring the choice between her and her husband “A mistake”. (Agg. Adriana Lavecchia)

Carla Fracci, her desire to have more children

In one of his latest interviews, before he leaves, Carla Fracci had dealt with a topic very dear to her: children. It happened in a beautiful episode of Verissimo, where the Lady of the Dance he admitted the burning repentance of not having enlarged the family as he would have liked. A displeasure that Carla Fracci had to deal with for several years, as admitted in the Canale5 program.

“I wanted more children, my husband didn’t because I was doing wrong with what I left at home, this was a mistake I was so sorry”, revealed the world-famous star, who bitterly experienced the fact that she had not given a brother to the only child Francesco. Probably at the time he hadn’t heard of it, but over time Carla Fracci developed the idea of ​​having made a mistake.

Carla Fracci and the second child who never arrived by choice: “It was a mistake”

So in that interesting interview released by Toffanin, Carla Fracci she was very clear on the subject, acknowledging to herself the mistake of having looked beyond and – perhaps – of not having listened adequately. But beyond the regret of having given up the second child, the Lady of the Dance she has surrounded herself, in the course of her life, by the affection and love of her two grandchildren, born from the love story between Francesco Menegatti and his partner.

Fracci’s private life has never been easily readable, but the fact that she wanted to become a mother a second time reveals the depth of a woman who felt the need to give and receive so much love. “But you can’t live only on memories, you have to think about the future”, he had pleasantly commented in the guest of Silvia Toffanin, in what is to all intents and purposes one of his most intimate last interviews.


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