Caritas, 31 May 2022.- This morning, in the municipality of Los Barrios, a tribute to the victims of the Covid-19 pandemic and to all the people who, with their work, have cared for, fed, protected and helped the inhabitants of the municipality during the health crisis. In this act, presided over by Miguel Alconchel, mayor of Los Barrios, the volunteers of the Cáritas Diocesana de Cádiz were represented by their director Vicente Pablo Ortells Polo who, in turn, was accompanied by the archpriest of San Roque, Juan José Mateos and by Rafael Moreno, parish priest of La Pura y Limpia (Palmones).
The event took place on Paseo de Coca, where a steel monolith was placed to symbolize the strength and dedication of all those who, during the months of the pandemic, gave their all to help others.
During the event, in addition to a floral offering, testimonials of thanks were offered to all the awarded professions and associations.
The Church of Los Barrios and the volunteers of Cáritas have been at the service of the needs of those citizens of Barrios who, during the years 2020 and 2021, needed material and spiritual support, due to the COVID19.