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Caritas Internationalis Conference: Pope Francis Addresses the Role of Love and Charity

A week ago the last one began Asamblea de Caritas Internationalis in Rome to designate the new leadership of the international confederation. A meeting of 400 delegates representing the 162 national Caritas that began with a private audience with Pope Francis in the Clementine room of the Vatican.

After greeting several of the representatives, the Holy Father offered a speech recalling how the institution was established after the Second World War by the Pope Pius XII and like his predecessors, John Paul II and Benedict XVI, They consolidated this institution whose identity is the love of God for men.

«In the face of the horrors and devastations of the Second World War, Venerable Pius XII wanted to show the care and concern of the entire Church for the human family; due to the numerous circumstances in which the lives of men, women, children and the elderly were threatened and the search for comprehensive human development was hindered by the havoc caused by war conflicts. Moved by a prophetic spirit, he spoke out in favor of the institution of an organization that would sustain, coordinate and increase collaboration between the already numerous charitable organizations through which the universal Church announced and witnessed, with gestures and words, the love of God and the predilection of Christ for the poor, the last, the discarded.

An identity of ecclesial vocation to collaborate with bishops in the exercise of charity

«It is important to return to the source – God’s love for us – because the identity of Caritas Internationalis depends directly on the mission it has received. What distinguishes it from other organizations that work in the social field is its ecclesial vocation and, within the Church, what specifies its service with respect to the numerous ecclesial institutions and associations dedicated to charity is the task of helping and collaborating. with the bishops in the exercise of pastoral charity, in communion with the Apostolic See and in harmony with the Magisterium of the Church.

Saint John Paul II wanted to highlight the close bond that, from the beginning, united Caritas Internationalis with the Pastors of the Church and, in particular, with the Successor of Peter, who presides over universal charity. [1]. He did it, above all, evoking the source of love for the Church, the dedication with which Christ made himself a gift to his own during the Last Supper.

Love covers everything

“Love covers everything,” says Paul, “not to hide the truth, which on the contrary the Christian always rejoices in, but so that the sin may be distinguished from the sinner, so that one may be condemned and the other saved. Love excuses everything, so that we can all find comfort in the Father’s merciful embrace and be enveloped by his forgiveness.

«Paul concludes his “praise of charity” by stating that charity, as an excellent way to reach God, is greater than faith and hope. What the Apostle says is totally true. While faith and hope are “provisional gifts”, that is, linked to our viatic condition as pilgrims on this earth, charity is nevertheless a “definitive gift”, a pledge and a foretaste of the last times, of the Kingdom of God. Therefore, everything else will pass, but charity will never end.

The tasks of the Caritas Internationalis Confederation

«Your task is, first of all, to cooperate in the sowing of the universal Church, announcing the Gospel with good works. It is not just a matter of launching projects and strategies that are victorious, that pursue effectiveness, but also knowing oneself within a constant and continuous process of missionary conversion. It means showing that the Gospel “responds to the deepest expectations of the human person: to his dignity and full fulfillment in reciprocity, communion and fruitfulness” (Apohort. Amoris laetitia, 201). Therefore, it is not trivial to remember the intimate union between the path of personal holiness and ecclesial missionary conversion. Whoever works for Cáritas is called to bear witness to that love before the world. Be missionary disciples, follow in the footsteps of Christ!

Secondly, they are called to accompany local Churches in carrying out their active commitment to pastoral charity. Take care of the training of competent personnel, capable of bringing the message of the Church to political and social life. The challenge of a conscious and mature laity is more current than ever, because its presence extends to all areas that directly touch the lives of the poor. They are the ones who can show, with creative freedom, the maternal heart and the Church’s concern for social justice, committing themselves to the arduous task of changing unjust social structures and promoting the happiness of the human person.

Finally, I ask you for unity. Your confederation is made up of many identities. Live that diversity as a wealth, plurality as a resource. Compete in esteem for each other, letting conflicts lead to debate, growth, and not division.



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