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Cáritas enables once again the electronic channels to be able to donate

Solidarity takes new forms in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Cáritas calls for a new national annual collection for June 12 and 13, but attentive to the low circulation of the population in temples and public spaces due to the pandemic, the charitable organization of the Catholic Church enabled donations to be made another once through the Mercado Pago system or by bank transfer throughout this month. The proceeds are distributed in equal parts for the operation of the entity at the national level, the provincial diocese and each parish, with projects that help humble families in the country.

“This year, for the second time in a row, we have the problem of isolation or, in the best of cases, liturgical celebrations with few people. So we have implemented a digital form of collaboration ”, explained the director of Cáritas Diocesana San Luis, Mónica Neme, who however stressed that, if sanitary conditions allow it, there will be volunteers and piggy banks in the parishes on the weekend of the convocation.

Neme admitted that the first year they enabled virtual donation channels they did not have as much impact. But with a little more experience, they await a second year with better results. “Last year the churches were just opened during the date, we were able to receive help in the parishes and we left half an afternoon with the digital donation because we had no experience, so it was poorer. I believe that this year we are already working in advance and we hope to have a good collection. Besides when there is such a need, people are much more supportive, “said Neme.

He described that the attendance of the parishes and dining rooms of San Luis increased during the week. “From Cáritas Diocesana we also try to accompany not only the parish dining rooms, but also the neighborhoods. There is a great need for food, clothing, shelter ”, he listed.

Common people do not pass by, we look at the reality of our people and we are very supportive.

To give some examples, the San Roque parish prepares about 500 bags of food per month that it distributes to its community and the Nuestra Señora de Gracia dining room, behind the La Merced church. This helps about 250 people with food. In turn, in Villa Mercedes he opened another dining room, while the Del Carmen parish assists 180 people with food.

The collection, like every year, has a motto. The one this time says: “In difficult times, let’s share more.” “I think that is a bit what happens to us as a society. The common people do not pass by, we look at the reality of our people and I think that naturally we are very supportive. Pope Francis said that from the pandemic we are not going to come out the same; Either we will come out worse or we will come out better. So, let’s all work so that the pandemic has been a learning process and we come out much more supportive ”, reflected the director.

Ways to give

The San Luis community can donate by approaching the parishes on June 12 and 13 in person, by calling 0810 2274827 (with the cost of a local call) or through bank transfer or through Mercado Pago. In the first modality, the bank of the account is Santander Río (the CBU is 0720282920000000269872, the alias caritas.sanluis and the CUIT 30-63520118-1). As for Mercado Pago, to make transfers the CVU is 0000003100027304472946 (the alias is caritas.sanluis.mp), while to send money the available email is [email protected].

The virtual donation modality will be available throughout the month. For more information, those interested can visit the website colecta2021.caritas.org.ar.

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